Company Officer Chp. 3,4 Flashcards
NFPA estimates that there were approximately how many firefighters in the US in 2007
What percentage of the total number of firefighters in 2007 were career firefighters
What percentage of the total number of firefighters in 2007 were volunteer firefighters
There are more than ______ fire departments in the United States
This exist whenever two or more people share a common goal.
What indicates the formal lines of authority and responsibility
Organizational chart
This can be defined as a political organization comprised of individuals and institutions authorized to formulate public policy to improve the public welfare
What department of government is FEMA included in?
Department of Homeland Security
The EEOC and OSHA are part of what federal department?
Department of Labor
A local ordinance is a law usually found where?
In a municipal code
A _____ is that which must be obeyed subject to sanction or consequences by the government
How many forms of government are at the local level?
5 Council-Manager Mayor-Council Commission Town Meeting Representative Town Meeting
In this form of government the council is the governing body of the city elected by the public and the manager is hired by the council to carry out its policies
This form of local government most closely parallels the federal form, with an elected legislature and a separately elected executive
This form of government is characterized by an elected governing board that holds both legislative and executive powers and is the oldest form of government in America
What branches of the military have firefighters?
Army, Air Force, Marines
Fire calls make up less than ____ percent of calls run by departments nationally
All volunteer departments protects what fraction of U.S. residents?
All-paid departments protect what percentage of the nations population?
This defines the strategy of the organization and gives direction by allocating resources to pursue the strategy
Strategic Plan
An officer with _____ manages one or more of the functions that are essential to the department’s mission
Line Authority
____ are those activities that support the departments basic purpose
Staff Functions
This principle suggest that every level in the organization is considered in the flow of communications, authority, and responsibility
Scalar Principal
This refers to the concept of having one boss
Unity of Command
The number of people that you can effectively supervise is normally referred to as ______
Span of control
What three things should a company officer do in order to lead subordinates through change?
Evaluate yourself, celebrate the past, involve them in the process
The act if guiding the human and physical resources of an organization to attain the organizations objectives
What includes determining what needs to be done and the accomplishment of the task itself
How many principles of management did Fayol describe?
Fayols five basic functions of management
Planning, Organizing, Commanding, coordinating, and controlling
Mid range planning covers what time frame?
1-5 years
Short term planning looks at what three things time wise?
The rest of today, tomorrow, and the rest of the year
Long range planning looks at the organizational needs beyond how many years
This is the process of breaking down of large tasks into manageable activities
This keeps the departments functions in mind and, when done properly, focuses energy on the departments goals and objectives
This means that you exercise your delegated authority to get things accomplished, and because you are also responsible for controlling the resources of an organization
The essence of _____ is leading, motivating, and building teamwork among your team members
This is putting the various functions together into a smooth and well-operating organization
Poor communications, poor timing, resistance to change, lack of clear cut objectives or at least the lack f understanding or acceptance of objectives, and ineffective policies, practice, and procedures all can hinder what?
This is monitoring our progress?
This allows you to measure the effectiveness of your efforts, to help you maintain your goals, to seek new ways to improve, to increase production and to help plan for future undertakings
This suggests that management control is greatly increased and corrective action greatly expedited when you concentrate on the exceptions to expected results
The Principle of Exception
This suggests that the manager gets involved only when something unusual occurs
Management by Exception
Who is referred to as “The Father of Scientific Mangement”?
Frederick Taylor
Who published “Hierarchy of Needs” in 1954?
Abraham Maslow
Maslow recognized that most of us have how many levels of needs?
Who is credited with inventing a concept known as management by objectives?
Peter Drucker
Who wrote The Practice of Management
Peter Drucker
Which form of management encourages innovation and improves performance because people are working together?
Management by objectives
Who wrote the book Human Side of Enterprise in 1960
Douglas McGregor
Who is credited with the concept of Theory X and theory Y?
Which of McGregor’s theory’s says that managers feel that they need to have tight controls over their organization because workers are lazy and resist the demands of their managers?
Theory X
Which of McGregor’s theory says that management should provide suitable working condition so that people could achieve personal goals while satisfying the organizations goals
Theory Y
Who developed Theory Z?
William Ouchi
With this theory, the focus is on the employees rather than on the work itself
Theory Z
Who wrote a book entitled Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Position
W. Edwards Eming
This is based on teammate participation and the concept that all must work together to achieve quality goals
Total Quality Management
Who wrote the One Minute Manager?
Kenneth Blanchard
Company officers who dedicate their energies to their ____ will find that the overall productivity of the company improves
These “boil down” the important concepts, techniques, and requirements contained in documents such as plans, policies, by-laws, etc.
This is a business philosophy that encourages managers to get feedback from those using a service, as well as from workers who provide it
Total Quality management
What are the three areas of a fire department that ISO rates?
Receiving and handling alarms, department resources, community water supply
How frequently are ISO evaluations conducted?
Every 5 years
Fire department resources counts for what percentage of the ISO score?
Community water supply counts for what percentage of the ISO score?
Receiving and handling alarms counts for what percentage of the ISO score?
NFPA 1710
Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Department
NFPA 1720
Standard for the Organization and Deployment for Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Departments
This is a process by which an agency or institution evaluates and recognizes a course of study, such as Fire Science Programs, as meeting certain predetermined standards
These are a system of conduct, principles of honor and morality, or guidelines for human actions