High and Mid Rise Operations Appendix Flashcards
What is SOG
High Rise & Mid Rise Operations Appendix
The difficulties of access, the complexities of construction, and the number of occupants in these structures are_____
Problems in high rise firefighting
What is the most effective tactical option in the majority of high-rise fire situations?
An aggressive coordinated fire attack
What is our highest priority on high rise fires?
Persons in immediate danger
What shall our initial goal be for high rise fires?
rescue those most threatened by smoke and fire, while simultaneously extending an aggressive attack
Even with nothing showing on a high rise fire what must we do.
Proceed on the assumption that there is a fire until verification is received from interior crews
What should the initial arriving units concentrate on when arriving at a high rise fire?
Locate the fire
Provide for attack on fire floor with at least 2 attack teams
Rescue occupants that are in immediate danger
As soon as the fire floor is reached on a high rise fire what should the officer do
Five report of conditions on floor
Confirm floor number
What will initial companies go upstairs with on a high rise fire?
SCBA’s, TIC, high-rise pack, basic FE tools
What five locations should the initial attack team communicate their actions and give size up reports?
Exterior upon arrival Fire Control room Fire attack stairwell Fire floor Fire room apartment
How do we pressurize and attack stairwell on high rise fire?
PPV at the bottom blowing in and a second 3 floors below the fire floor.
Who should give their arrival report, announce their actions, and pass command to the BC on a high rise fire?
Officer of the first crew
How far should you take the elevator on a high rise fire?
Two floors below the fire floor
Where will operations be set up on high rise fire?
One floor below the fire floor
On a high rise fire, with the first sign of a working fire what should command do?
Call for additional resources