Contract Flashcards
What is the length of the contract?
Oct 1, 2017-September 30, 2020
What is the intended purpose of the agreement (contract)?
To achieve and maintain harmonious relations between the District and the Union
Periods of time that shall be included in computing an employees seniority?
Holiday, Vacation, Ed leave, Maternity, Lay-off for a regular employee up to 36 months, Illness or disability up to one year, Family and medical leave up to 12 weeks, 26 weeks if you are a mom, dad, son, daughter taking care of a qualified member of the armed forces that has been injured, periods of service in the armed forces
How can an employee be terminated and lose all accumulated seniority?
Quits, Discharged for cause, laid off for more than 36 months, fails to return to work within 5 days, not including weekends after reciept of notification to return, Fails to return after termination of pregnancy, fails to return at the end of any period in section 2 unless chief says ok
What part of the grievance procedure are probationary FF entitled to?
Up to and including step 3 of Article 10. They will no be entitled to arbitration in cases of discipline or discharge
In the contract this is any dispute, claim, or complaint concerning the interpretation or application of the terms of the agreement
Submittal of a grievance to a successive step must occur within how many calendar days or be considered withdrawn?
Grievance’s shall be taken up with the AC in writing within how many days after the occurrence of the event leading to the grievance?
The AC may provide an answer in writing to the employee within how many calendar days or a denial of grievance will be assumed
A grievance denied by AC may be forward to chief. Chief responds in 7 days or a denial of grievance is assumed and the next step is _____
Arbitration (article 11)
In the case of discipline or discharge going to arbitration what shall the District do?
Present its case first and carry the burden of proof
Name of service where arbitrators are selected from?
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
How many candidates for arbitrator will be selected?
Who chooses to strike a name from the possible arbitrators first?
The moving party
Request to use shift substitutions must be made at least _____ calendar days in advance or special permission must be obtained from a chief officer
In determining selections for layoff factors to be considered include?
Training and experience
Employee’s overall disciplinary record; which, for the purposes of the agreement do not include letters of guidance
Employees recalled in excess of ____ months must also successfully complete what?
Districts pre-employment testing
Overtime is paid in accordance with what?
Fair Labor Standards Act
During out-of-country mutual aid deployments work-hours will be considered those which are reimbursable through either _______
State or Federal Emergency Management agencies, and those hours that correspond to an employees normal shift
Out of class and teaching pay differential much be authorized in advance by who?
Chief or Assistant chief
What is the out of class instructor rate for on duty employee who is asked and agrees to provide instructional services
If asked to teach off duty what is the pay?
1.5 times base which includes step+longevity+paramedic
The off duty teaching services shall be for periods of time that are specified how?
In advance writing
When will a person be considered to be working out of class?
When the person the are filling in for is on leave, short/long term, workers comp, or away from crew for at least one hour for reasons other than emergency response, on mutual aid or stand-by for more than 3 hours
In order for an Engineer to be considered filling in for a lieutenant they should be supervising at least how many people?
When will Engineers or Acting Engineers have the same disciplinary authority as the Lieutenant?>
Whenever the LT is away from the station or otherwise separated from the crew
What can a LT not do when acting up to BC?
represent Management in addressing matters which are designated for BC or Chief Officer
The selection of the fill in employee will be at the discretion of a Chief Officer after considering what?
Qualifications, logistical concerns, and the preferences of the employees involved
Residency requirements?
50 direct line miles of the district which 1 or 2 can waiver
What does the “non-use of tobacco products agreement” affirm
No tobacco usage during the year prior to hiring
After what hire date must all employees abstain from tobacco use, on or off duty, as a continuing condition of employment
October 1, 1997
In accordance with what does a firefighter employer designate ff employee place of employment as tobacco free.
Florida Administrative Code 69A-62.024(6)
Content of medical exams can include?
Basic Physical Toxicology EKG Pulmonary Function PSA Chest x-ray every 3 years Stress EKG Mammogram Tetanus/Diphtheria vaccination if 5+ years since last TB if questionnaire indicates symptoms
After exposure to substances during response and at the last medical exam prior to retirement the district will arrange for what type of exam?
Blood testing for heavy metals
What substances are tested for in the drug test?
Amphetamines/Meth Cannabinoids Cocaine PCP Opiates
Which drug has a screening level of 1000ng/ml?
Which drug has a confirmation level of 500ng/ml
Which drug has a screening level of 50ng/ml
Which drug has a confirmation level of 15 ng/ml
Which drug has a screening level of 300ng/ml
Which drug has a confirmation level of 150 ng/ml
Which drug has a screening level of 25ng/ml
Which drug has a confirmation level of 25 ng/ml
Which drug has a screening level of 2000ng/ml?
Which drug has a confirmation level of 2000ng/ml?
Who authorizes the laboratory that will conduct the drug test?
Florida Agency For Health Care Administration
What must be present for the district to perform a random drug test?
Specific objective and articulable facts and reasonable inferences drawn
For how many years can an employee be subject to random drug testing after completion of a rehab?
The initial test for alcohol shall be what?
Enzyme oxidation methodology
All other drugs other than alcohol shall be completed with what kind of test?
FDA approved immunoassay procedure
Confirmation test for alcohol
gas chromatography
Confirmation test for drugs
Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
Urine is used for what confirmation and initial test?
Blood is used for what confirmation and initial test?
What type of follow up alcohol testing may be done for the comfort of the employee
Reasonable suspicion and unannounced follow-up drug/alcohol testing shall only occur upon the order of who
A supervisor who is at least one level of supervision above the immediate supervisor of the employee in question
What must be presented to the employee and how long do they have to read and list drugs that might affect the test in the circumstance of a suspicious unannounced drug test
Employee Notice of Drug/Alcohol Testing and a max of 20 minutes
Written results of all drug or alcohol test shall be sent by the testing lab to who?
Districts Medical Review Officer
Who shall the districts medical review officer be?
Licensed physician with knowledge of substance abuse disorders and the pharmacology and toxicology of illicit drugs
The district will notify the employee of a confirmed positive test result from the Medical review Officer, in writing, within how many days of receiving report
5 non-holiday weekdays
If inpatient rehabilitation is recommended following a positive drug test what type of leave will the employee be out on?
unpaid Family and Medical Leave but may utilize short term disability
What ceases while an employee is on short or long term disability for drug test?
Retirement, vacation, and sick time accrual
What are the benefits to admitting to a substance abuse problem rather than waiting for a positive test?
Will receive all regular pay and benefits while in EAP and not need to use leave time to attend therapy on duty days
Probie vac accrual
End of probie to 5 years vac accrual
14 hours
5-10 vac accrual
19 hours
10-15 vac accrual
26 hours
15-20 vac accrual
28 hours
20-25 vac accrual
30 hours
25 and up vac accrual
When cashing out your 500 hours, what is the max amount of payments they can be divided in to?
Minimum vacation increments?
- minimum of 1 with chief approval
Special permission must be obtained by the Ops chief to schedule more than _____ consecutive vac days?
Notice of vacation donation to HR must include what?
date, amount (in 3 hour increments), and donors signature
How many hours of terminal leave may the district provide an employee?
This is defined as the allowable leave period to be used prior to the pre-determined retirement or DROP termination date
Terminal Leave
When are employees allowed to have visitors?
After work hours until 9 pm, holidays after cleaning and apparatus check, permission from supervisor
When can an an employee use sick time?
Employee illness, care for a sick child,spouse, or domestic partner
When will the personal time bank end?
September 30, 2019
When must written certification of successful completion of educational courses be submitted?
During the same fiscal period for which the class was approved, unless course goes beyond then you have 30 days from completion.
When does an employee need to reimburse the full cost of paramedic program?
When they refuse to attempt failed module or certification exam
The privilege of dining out may be suspended for how many months if a crew is subject of a complaint involving inappropriate conduct while dining out
2 months
When can you dine out?
Once a month, in zone between 4-8pm
What are the holidays recognized in the contract?
New Years Day MLK Presidents Day Easter Memorial Independence Labor Patriots Columbus Veterans Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Friday Christmas
When was article 28 Employee Health and Fitness Program vacated?
September 2013
The district shall have the discretion to start new employees with 5 or more years of professional FF experiance or medics who are already privileged through districts md at a pay level higher than probie but not to exceed what?
FF 4 plus applicable incentives
Medics credentialed outside of Lee County have how many days to obtain Florida certification to be eligible for an adjustment in their pay grade at the time of credentialing
Loss of paramedic pay may occur through what?
Provisions of Article 46 (medical Quality Assurance)
Longevity Pay Steps
5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 24th hire anniversary
What is the max amount of longevity pay achievable?
Longevity amounts?
$0.25, $0.50, $0.75, $0.75, $0.75
For the purpose of longevity employment will be considered continuous from ____
employees most recent hire date and include workers comp but exclude other unpaid absences
The district shall submit written notices to the Union of the ___, _______, ______, _______, and _______ of any suspension or termination of an employee
Name, job title, company, station, and effective date
Both management and labor agree that the best way to resolve issues or concerns is through _____
Face to face discussion
Meetings between management and labor that are intended to resolve issues or concerns shall not be considered what under chapter 447
Collective bargaining negotiations
All temporary positions or light duty assignments shall be in writing stating the ___,____,and _____ of the assignment not to exceed four months
Day, time, and duration
Types of insurance coverage that the district will provide
Medical Dental Prescription Life (Equal to 2 times annual pay) Short Term Long Term
For the purposes of Article 37 this will be defined as an employees lawful spouse, domestic partner, or any unmarried natural, adopted, or foster child
When does an employee become responsible for reimbursement of premiums paid after a dependent becomes ineligible?
30 days
When does childrens dental and vision normally end?
19, unless they live at home, and is principally supported by the patent, or they are full time or part time student and will continue till they are 25
Dependent major medical coverage will normally end when they reach?
Requirements for child to stay on medical coverage until they are 30
Not married
no kids
Florida resident or full time/part time student
Not eligible for other insurance
The district requires a dependent contribution of _____ of the monthly premium effective
10%, October 1, 2017 insurance cost
How much does the department pay out if your spouse takes insurance elsewhere?
An amount equal to their spouse monthly contribution for basic med and prescription drug plus $50
This is an injury/illness that arose out of and in the actual performance of a duty required by the district
Line of Duty
Who determines whether or not an injury is line of duty?
Worker comp
The district will continue to pay normal wages during the first ____ days of a line of duty absence without requiring sick time
If Chief decides to suspend supplemental pay during line of duty absence what appeal can one have?
Appeal in front of board within 90 days of the decision
Overtime list will list what categories about each member?
Rank Paramedic Boat Pilot Rescue Diver Haz Mat tech TRT
How many weeks of FMLA do employees get?
12 weeks per year
Safety committee term
April 1 through March 31st
All recommendations of the safety committee must be by ______
Unanimous vote
Any significant recommendations of the Safety Committee shall be______
Sent to the Chief for review
Who is the districts Safety and Medical Officer?
Division Chief of Training
When will safety committee meetings be held?
Quarterly during January, April, July, and October and when necessary to review an accident, injury or exposure report
The VEBA is for Iona McGregor Employees who retired on or after?
October 1, 2006
How long are the terms for VEBA trustees?
How many trustees are on the VEBA board?
5 (3 union 2 management)
When was the VEBA addendum negotiated?
07/08 (4% for wages and 4% in to VEBA)
When does the district make the contribution to the VEBA annually?
When should new employees be added to the list of participants by (VEBA)
30 days after their hire date
Who has the responsibility for assuring quality medical care?
Medical Director, IMFD Admin, EMTS and medics of the district
This is defined as any deviation from local protocol, accepted state standard of care, or reasonably expected practical performance which may potentially, or may have in fact, already unfavorably influenced patient care
Medical Quality Issue
All reports of a potential MQI must be made in written form and
Promptly reported to the BC of Training for evaluation
When can the BC of Training assign a designee to investigate an MQI?
If the issue is minor and nature,meaning the act or omission did not adversely affect a patient outcome
If the patients outcome is adversely effected then MQI matter will be passed on for investigation to who?
Medical Director or another agency
Who shall provide written notice regarding any immediate limitation of suspension of medical duties
Medical director to DC Training who will then inform AC
Who will make notice of suspension of medical duties to employee?
Assistant chief
This person has the authority to evaluate, instruct, review, discipline, and terminate the medical privileges of all medical personnel at his discretion based upon a review process
Medical Director
If the interview with EMT/Medic doesn’t resolved medical directors concerns, whats the next step?
5 options Additional review of 30 patient contacts Remedial Training Re-testing Observation Probation
If 30 case reviews brings up more concerns what may happen?
Remedial training
In-house suspension of medical privileges
Supervision of caregivers patient contact
If after interview, case review, remediation and education, there is still concern about abilities of medic what may happen?
Privileges will be revoked until MD or DC of T says ok
Causes of immediate termination of medical privileges?
Missing narcotics
Substance abuse issues not remediated with EAP counseling
Disruptive/destructive behavior endangering the medical caregiver and/or his/her co-workers
The Medical Director should provide his decision concerning an MQI to the appropriate in writing that should include
Whether privileges are revoked permanently or temp
Order for remediation
Listing of steps to complete to restore privileges
How long after having medical privileges suspended does an employee have to get them restored
90 days
During paramedic suspension what shall a paramedic incentive be reduce to
If medic privileges are not reinstated by 90 days what happens to incentive pay?
Discontinued until privileges are reinstated
When is the contract good till?
Midnight on September 30, 2020
When will the agreement be reopened for a full negotiation?
May 2020
Base wages + step increases + paramedic pay + longevity pay + 96 hours of half pay + holiday pay + FICA + workers comp + retirement contributions is what
VEBA calculation
How much money will be added to the full load VEBA calculation?