Maths Bio Flashcards
1m to mm
1cm to mm
1mm to um
1um to nm
Bigger to smaller Units
Multiply by conversion factor
Smaller to bigger
Divide by conversion factor
1000x1000= 1000000 so conversion factor is this
One m^3
1000x1000x1000= 1000000000 mm^3
what variable should be on x axis
line graphs
when both variables are quantative
show trends such as how things change over time
mostly data has been manipulated by the investigator excption is time
use rule to join points together
these graphs are useful for shwing if a correlation exiss between two variables
for scatter graphs ita moslty when its not possible to alter either od the variables
dont join the point on scattergraph
p value
number describing how likely it id that your data would have ocurred by random chance - null hypothesis is true
the level of statitical signifivane is often expressed as a p value between 0 and 1
the smaller the p value the strongefr the evidence that you should reject the null hypothesis
spearmans rank
looking for associations/correlations
t test
difference in means
chi squared
frequency count