ecosystems Flashcards
=name the group of organisms. that recycle biological molecules in the burned trees that died
the role the species has in it community
types of nicches
why two species cant occupy the same niche
-eg commorant vs shag birds
they both cant be successful in the same ecosystem
non living factors
living fscgor
biotic factors
disease and predators
abiotic factors
temperature ph light inteniy
population size
total number of organisms in a habitat
carrying capacity
maximum stable population size of a species rhat an ecosystem can support
what shape would a graph beb when a size of a population has just been intoduced to a new area
sigmaoid s shape
-species need to find mating partners and adapt to the new environment
-soon reaches maximum carrying capacity so plateus and eventually decreases as small amount of resources more competition so not enough
when two or more indiviudals strive to obtain the same resources where these are in short supply
the more similar the individuals the more intense the compeition
occurs when any two niche species overlap
interspecific competition
-competition between organisms of the same species
-avaliability of the resources detrmine size of the population
-organisms od the same species occupy the same niche so will compete for almost everything
competitive exclusion principle
where population of the two species initially occupy the same niche , one will nromally have the competitive advantage
intraspecific competition
-competition between orga isms of the same species
-availabitiy of the respurces detrmine size of the population
-organisms of the same species occupy the same niche so will compete for al ost everything
-variation in the pop means that some organisms are better able to compete than others which drive evlutiond
types of sampling
random sampling
systematic sampling
what would you use for random sampling
the number of individuals pf a species in a given space
can be obtained by using a quadrat to measure the % cover of a plant
three things to consdier when using a quadrat
-size of the quadrat used
-the number of sample quadrats to record within the study area (ensure reliable snd representative results )
-the position of each quadrat whitin the study area
what would you use for systematic sa pling