LMBR6: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY P7. Key Physical Flashcards
What does physical fitness include (9)
BR 216
Includes fitness in the following categories:
Flexibility, Agility, Speed (integrative)
Endurance (SkM & Cardiorespiratory), SkM strength & power
Balance, Body composition
Mnemonic: FASEBB

In terms of sedentary behaviour:
1) Is it related to mortality (2)
2) Is it related to the risk of cancer ?
3) Is it related to the risk of other diseases ?
4) List cancers related to physical activity
Sedentary behavior increases risk of:
1) All-cause & CV mortality
2) Colon, endometrial & lung cancers (all emit blood)
3) NIDDM & CV disease
4) Physical activity: Esophagus, stomach, colon, lung, breast, endometrium, kidney, bladder (3 GI, 2 GU, 2 GYN, 1 Lung)
- GI within reach of EGD/Csc
In a meta-analysis comparing exercise to medication for multiple medical conditions:
1) For what types of illness is exercise better / same / worse than medication ?
BR 190
Exercise > Medication:
Post stroke Rx
Exercise = Medication:
- 2’ prevention of CAD, pre-diabetes
Medication > Exercise:
- Rx of heart failure
- but exercise has a better side-effect profile
- probably best to use exercise in COMBINATION w medications
Mn: debate w JK & RT
What is the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
Primary: At population level
- eg diet, exercise, immunization
Secondary: In people at increased risk (eg pre-diabetic, family history of CAD)
- also includes early Dx - eg screen for colon or breast cancer
Tertiary: Once disease developed, decrease recurrence (eg diet after a heart attack)
- also rehabilitation post MI, stroke
As per 2015 ACSM guidelines:
1) Name 2 groups who should receive medical clearance before initiating exercise (or increasing intensity):
2) What is the goal of exercise screening
3) What groups of medical conditions are/not a concern
BR 195
1) Medical clearance for:
a) Those with clinically significant disease => would benefit from medically supervised exercise programs.
b) Those with uncontrolled medical conditions that require treatment or control before further exercise should be initiated.
2) Screening is to reduce exercise-related CV events
3) (+) concern if CV, metabolic, renal diseases. Not if pulmonary.

Do these ppl need medical screening
1) Currently not particip in regular exercise, has known CV/metab/renal disease (asyx) & wants mod [exer]
2) Currently particip in reg exercise has known CV/metab/renal disease (asyx) & wants:
a) Moderate [exercise]
b) Progression to vigorous [exercise]
3) Currently exercising but has syx of CV/metab/renal disease
1) Needs medical clearance
2-a) OK to continue
2-b) OK to progress if had medical clearance in last 12 months.
3) Stop exercising NOW & get evaluated.
In terms of exercise & DM prevention
1) Is there a threshold dose for risk reduction ?
2) In cohort studies of exercise, what is the role of BMI in exercise & DM prevention ?
3) What did the DPP show ?
4) What do meta of structured exercise training regimens show ?
a) About physical activity advice ?
b) About aerobic vs resistance exercise & HbA1c ?
c) [HbA1c] and duration of exercising
BR 213
Exercise & DM prevention
1) Threshold dose is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week
2) BMI accounts for about half the decreased risk: 31% dec s BMI, 17% decrease accounting for BMI
3) DPP - RCT of DM prevention in pre-diabetics, n=3300. Saw that lifestyle intervention (exercise & healthy diet with goal of 7% weight redn) was better than metformin for preventing incident of DM
4) Meta structured exercise regimens:
b) Structured aerobic exercise, resistance training, combo were assoc w dec HbA1c
c) Saw greater regression of HbA1c if exercise training exceeded 150 minutes/week