LMBR5: P1. p 115-125 Flashcards
In terms of the place of dairy in the US ‘MyPlate’ dietary guidelines:
1) What % of calories is made up by dairy ?
2) What proportion of dairy consumption is milk vs cheese ?
BR 115
1) Dairy makes up 10% of calories
2) About half of dairy is consumed as fluid milk, and half as cheese.
BR 115
In terms of dairy, calcium & prostate cancer (PCa):
1) Is dairy product intake associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer ?
2) Is total calcium intake associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer ?
3) What were the findings of the US Male Physicians cohort in this area ?
1) Each 400 g/day of dairy products is assocated with a 7% increase in risk of PCa (P<0.05), WCRF Meat Fish Dairy Report
2) On meta-analysis of cohort studies, see a 11% increased risk wrt total Ca intake (P<0.05)(J Cancer Prev 2018:19(6):1449-56)
3) In this 28yr cohort study of 21,600 US male Physcians
a) Skim/low fat milk intake assoc with 19% higher rate of PCa
b) Total dairy intake assoc with 73% higher risk (HR 1.73) of fatal PCa (P=0.05)
c) Pre-diagnostic whole milk intake assoc w HR 2.17 risk of death (P<0.05)
=> overall ~ 2x rate of fatal prostate CA
Y Song J Nutrition 2013:143:189-196
Mnemonic: Pick up calcium/dairy at 7/11 (7% & 11%)
Discuss the relationship of dairy to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, risk of diabetes
BR 115
Dairy & diferent outcomes:
CV disease - no or weak INVERSE relationship - however substitution analysis suggests risks are even lower if dairy fat is replaced iwth plant-based or polyunsaturated fat.
Stroke - mild INVERSE relationship,
Hypertension - moderate evidence dairy lower BP
Diabetes - moderate evidence dairy lowers risk of DM in adults
BR 115
Discuss evidence of dairy & bone health:
a) In children
b) Milk intake & fracture risk in women
c) Consumption of fortified dairy products & bone mineral density (BMD)
BR 115
1) Moderate evidence that dairy improves bone health in children
2) Drinking about 1 cup (240 cc) of milk/day decreases fracture risk by >= 5% in Caucasian & Chinese women
3) Consuming fortified dairy products can increase BMD by 0.7-1.8% over 2 years.
Discuss the effect of dairy intake on inflammation:
1) Yogurt consumption
2) Cheese intake
BR 115
1) Increase yogurt consumption may have a protective effect on lowering inflammation (OR 0.34)
2) Cheese leads to a pro-inflammatory state with higher plasma inflammatory biomarkers.
BR 115.
List some foods with a high TRANS fat content
1) Cakes, pies, cookies (esp with frosting)
2) Biscuits -especially frozen
3) Breakfast sandwiches
4) Margarine (stick or tub)
5) Crackers
6) Microwave popcorn
7) Cream-filled candies
8) Doughnuts
9) Fried fast foods
10) Frozen pizza
What is a “shortfall nutrient” ?
What do the following terms mean when applied to food groups:
a) “High in nutrient content”
b) Moderately high in nutrient content”
BR 118
Shortfall nutrients means that at least 25% of the US population is not consuming them in adequate amounts.
“High in nutrient content” contains > 20% of the daily value (DV) in a serving
“Moderately high” has 5-20% of daily value per serving.
BR 118
List nine shortfall nutrients
BR 118
D - vitamin D
E - vitamin E
F - Fiber
C- vitamin C
C - Calcium
K vitamin K
A - Vitamin A
M - Magnesium
P Potassium
Mnemonic: DEF CCKamp having short falls. Note fat-soluble (ADEK) & vitamin C are shortfall.
In terms of calcium absorption:
a) List (5) foods high (>20% DV) in calcium
b) List (5) foods moderately high in calcium
c) List 3 vegetables high in oxalates (and calcium) and thus poor sources of calcium.
d) List 3 vegetables low in oxalates & high in calcium - good sources of calcium
BR 118
High Ca: dairy, Ca fortified non-dairy beverages, tofu, chia & poppy seeds.
Moderate: kale, almonds, beans, okra, bok choy (KABOB)
Poor: Spinach, Beet Greens, Swiss chard. (BSG)
Good: Okra, Kale, bOk chOy - ‘OK’
BR 118
In terms of dietary fiber
List 5 foods (food groups) high in this (>20% of daily value)
List 5 foods (groups) moderately high in this (5-20% of daily value)
Fiber is ONLY found in __ foods
BR 118-119
High (> 5 g): Beans, split peas, avocados, bran cereals, raspberries, blackberries, pears, papaya, dried fruits, flaxseeds, some whole grains, whole wheat pasta.
Moderately high (1.25-5 grams): blueberries, strawberries, most other fruit, most vegetables, grains, whole grain bread, popcorn, mushrooms, nuts & seeds.
Only found in PLANT FOODS.
In terms of dietary Magnesium
List 5 foods (food groups) high in this (>20% of daily value)
List 5 foods (groups) moderately high in this (5-20% of daily value)
BR 118-119
High (>20% DV): Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts, amaranth, edamame (1/2 cup or 75 grams), dark chocolate (2 Oz or 60 grams)
Moderately high (5-20% of DV): whole grains, peanuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, spinach (12/ cup cooked or 1115 grams) , tofu, potatoes, some beans (black beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans [1 cup or 136 grams]).
Mn - High - ‘ABE CAP’
In terms of dietary Potassium
List 5 foods (food groups) high in this (>20% of daily value)
List 5 foods (groups) moderately high in this (5-20% of daily value)
BR 118-119
High: Large baked potato (32%DV), adzuki beans, avocado, soybeans, black turtle beans (14%), lima beans, squash, yams (14%), plantains, bamboo shoots, passion fruit.
Moderately high: legumes, mushrooms, nuts, vegetables & refined grains
In terms of dietary Vitamin A
List 5 foods (food groups) high in this (>20% of daily value)
List 5 foods (groups) moderately high in this (5-20% of daily value)
BR 118-119
High: sweet potato, spinach, raw carrots, cantaloupe, red peppers, black-eyed peas.
Moderate: tomato juice, fortified cereals
In terms of dietary Vitamin C
List 5 foods (food groups) high in this (>20% of daily value)
List 5 foods (groups) moderately high in this (5-20% of daily value)
BR 118-119
High (>20% of DV; many are > 100%): bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, currants, citrus fruits, daikon radishes, guava kale, kiwi, mango, mustard greens, papaya, parsley, peas, pineapple, red pepper, strawberries, tomatoes, turnip greens.
Moderately high (5-20% of DV): Most other vegetables and fruits.
In terms of dietary Vitamin E
List 5 foods (food groups) high in this (>20% of daily value)
List 5 foods (groups) moderately high in this (5-20% of daily value)
BR 118-119
High (>20% of DV): sunflower seeds, oils (sunflower, safflower), almonds, hazelnuts
Moderate (5-20% of DV): peanut butter, corn oil, spinach, broccoli, avocados