LIVING ENVIORMENT: photosynthesis Flashcards
have to get food from their enviorment
can make their own food
Inorganic raw material
simple substances that do not contain hydrogen and carbon together
Raw materials
the substances from the enviorment needed for a reaction
Organic materials
large substances that contain carbon & hydrogen
outer most layer
waxy coat that coers the epidermis (prevents excess waterloss)
allows the exchange of 02 & CO2
Gaurd cells
controls the opening and the closing of the stomates
Paliside layer
is where most photosynthesis takes place
contains xylem (water) and phloem (food) and is known as the vacular tissue (top layer of the leaf)
transports water ONLY
Transport food into the cell
Gaurd cells will open and close the stomates based on their_________
Enviormental conditions
When open stomates allow for the exchange of______
gases & water vapor
release of water vapor from leaves climates & stomates
How do stomates maintain homeostasis?
homeostasis is maintained by gaurd cells opening and closing due to gas exchange and to prevent water loss
Chloroplast are located_____
At the top of the leaf
Chlorplast contains a green pigment called____
Chloroplast is where _____ energy is trapped
The main pigment of plants that absorb energy from the sun
sacike photosynthesis membranes in chloroplast
stacks of thylakoids
the region outside the thylakoid membranes
Why are plants green?
because the chlorophill absorbs light from the sun
___ & _____ light is the best type of light
red and blue
_____ is reflected and isnt good and has the least affect on photosynthesis
Green light
Plants use green light the LEAST green light is relfected causes plants to have a _____ color
What do plants need to survive?
CO2, H20, 02
Plants need oxygen from________ ______
Celluar Respiration
Formula for photosynthesis MEMORISE
sunlight+ water+carbondioxide = glucose & oxygen
Light reactions
Requires sunlight
Dark reactions
Does not require sunlight
Photosynthesis steps
- light reactions use sunlight to make ATP
- Occurs in the granna of the chlorplast
- begins with the absorbition of light energy by chlorophil
splitting light energy
All oxygen given off during photosynthesis comes from
photolysis of water
(ADP) adenosine trophspate is a _______
form of energy produced in the stroma
Photosynthesis dark reactions occour ________
in the stroma of the chlorplast
CO2 is converted into carbohydrates by a proccess called________
Carbon Fiction
In photosynthesis light reactions light is _______
light intensity, water, carbon dioxide levels and temperture = ___________
More photosynthesis