LIVING ENVIORMENT: genetic engineering Flashcards
Genetic Engineering -
taking DNA from one organism into another
a method used to manipulate genes to develop new trait combinations and new variations of organisms
Amniocentesis -
amniotic fluid is withdrawn during pregnacy and examines for certain substances or cell type
Selective breeding -
technique used by plants and animal breeders to choose the desired traits for an offspring
Gel electrophoresis -
used to identify the DNA fingerprint of individuals is a procedure for separating a DNA through stationary material in an electric field
Cloning -
making a genetically identical copy of an organism
Karyotype -
one enlarged photograph of the pair of homologus chromosomes
Artificial selection -
the identification by humans of desirable traits in plants and animals
Inbreeding -
breed from closely related people or animals, especially over many generations.
Transgenic -
organism with DNA from another organism
Stem cells -
cells that have not been changed into what theyre supposed to be (undifferentiation)
Plasmid -
a small circular DNA molecule found in bacteria and some other microscopic organisms
Restriction enzyme -
cut DNA at a specific sequence
Ligase -
“glue” that attaches the gene of interest to the plasmid
Two humans believe they are related. Which would be the best technique to determine if they are related?
comparing DNA
In selective breeding, it usually refers to offspring of two different species or strains.
Artificially changing the genetic material of a cell.
Genetic Engineering