Liver & Pancreas Flashcards
Posterior to the stomach
Exocrine and endocrine function
Secretes pancreatic juice into duodenum
Neutralizes stomach acid
Regulates blood sugar levels
Alpha cells: secrete glucagon
Beta cells: secrete insulin
Insulin & Glucagon…
Regulate blood sugar levels
Pancreatic Duct
Delivers pancreatic secretions to duodenum
Epithelial cells secrete water to make up the secretions
Duodenal Papilla
Pancreatic duct meets the bile duct
Shared sphincter controls secretions into the duodenum
Pancreas Blood Supply: Arteries
Splenic artery
Pancreatic arteries
Superior mesenteric artery
Inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery
Pancreas Blood Supply: Veins
Splenic vein
Pancreatic vein
Superior mesenteric vein
Pancreatic-duodenal vein
Performs over 500 essential tasks
Liver Function
Bile production Metabolism Detoxification Vitamin, mineral, and energy storage Protein synthesis Immunological function Processes blood from digestive tract Etc.
Liver: Location
Abdominal Cavity
Below diaphragm, right of stomach, above gallbladder
Liver: Features
Right lobe (large) Left lobe (small) Bare area Falciform ligament Bile duct Gallbaldder Coronary ligament Round ligament
Liver: Blood Supply
Common hepatic artery (arises from celiac trunk artery)
Hepatic portal vein
Hepatic veins (drain L, mid. & R parts of liver; distribute nutrients over the body)
2 blood supplies:
- hepatic portal vein carries ingested nutrients and toxins
- hepatic arteries provide oxygenated blood
Hepatic Portal Vein
Not a ‘true’ vein (blood doesn’t return to heart)
Transfers blood from GI tract to the liver
75% total liver blood flow
Blood contains nutrients and toxins from digestive products
Liver: Structure
Portal Triad
Liver Sinusoids (capillaries)
- Kupffer Cells
Covered in microvilli
Perform most functions in the liver
Produce bile
Bile Canaliculi
Narrow channels between hepatocytes
Located in the lobule
Bile Ductules
Drain the Biel canaliculi
Located within the lobule and septa
Bile Ducts
Drain the bile ductules
Located in the interlobular septa
Drains into the common hepatic duct
Portal Triad
Collection of vessels in the interlobular system
- Interlobular vein
- Interlobular artery
- Interlobular bile ducts
Central vein runs through the middle of the lobule
Liver Sinosoids
Run from the interlobular veins and interlobular arteries to the central vein
Supply the hepatocytes with:
- Nutrients/toxins from GI tract
- Oxygen from arterial circulation
Kupffer Cells
Line sinusoids
Engulf pathogens, cell debris, damaged body cells
Store iron, lipids, heavy metals
Stores and concentrates bile prior to excretion
Located on posterior surface of liver’s right lobe
Gallbladder: Structure
Common Hepatic Duct
Formed by cystic hepatic duct and common hepatic duct joining
Empties into duodenum
Hepatopancreatic Sphincter
Closes between meals Bile can only enter the duodenum when sphincter opens Encircles lumen of: - common bile duct - pancreatic duct