Life And Teachings Of Christ Part 3 Flashcards
Who was Matthew?
Levi Matthew
He was a Jewish Tax Collector/ Publican before he became a disciple
His Father’s name was Alphaeus
Written on 75-85 CE
Who was the target Audience for the gospel Matthew?
The Jewish Community
-Younger Jews: Those who were new to the faith.
Matthew’s specific goal is to convince the Jews that Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah.
He never wanted Christians to forget their Jewish roots.
The Uniqueness of the Gospel of Matthew
Since Matthew was Jewish he never used the word God for the fear of saying it in vain. The phrase Kingdom of heaven was used instead of Kingdom of God.
Matthew refers to the Old Testament more than any other gospel with 29 direct quotations and 121 indirect references.
Matthew traced Jesus’ genealogy from Abraham.
How did Matthew portray Jesus?
Jesus was portrayed as the King of the Jews.
Who was Mark?
John Mark
1. Marcus: Latin Name
2. Johannan: Hebrew Name
3. Colobodactolos: Greek Name
- It means Stubby Finger
He is the cousin Barnabas
He was not a disciple of Jesus
His mother was called Mary at whose house Jesus had His last supper and also where the believers met and prayed when Peter was imprisoned.
He was a personal assistant to 4 other people than Jesus:
1. To his older cousin Barnabas
2. To Paul
3. To Luke
4. To Peter (Mark was used as an interpreter)
Written in 60-70 CE
Who was the target audience for the gospel Mark?
To people who were not Christians but who want to know about Jesus.
The Uniqueness of the Gospel of Mark
This gospel is sometimes referred to as the gospel of Peter because this gospel is what Peter said that Mark wrote down.
It was the 1st Gospel ever to be written.
Mark’s gospel is the shortest
The word “immediately” was used 41 times.
There are 18 miracles in Mark but only 4 parables
The Gospel focuses on Peter’s weaknesses not strengths.
The Gospel of Mark doesn’t speak about Jesus’s birth; it began when Jesus was baptized in the river of Jordan.
How did Mark portray Jesus?
Jesus was portrayed was a Real Man; Suffering Servant of God.
Who was Luke?
He was a doctor
He was a Gentile. The only Non-Jew Author in the Bible
Luke was a traveler as well as a skillful writer
Luke had a soft spot to those who were seen as outcasts because he was a gentile who lived among jews and faced prejudice
Written in 75-85 CE
Who was the target Audience for the gospel of Luke?
Theophilus: Friend of God
The Uniqueness of the Gospel of Luke
It had the birth of John the Baptist
Luke uses a lot of medical terms in the Gospel
About how Gabriel the Angel met Mary
Traced the Genealogy of Jesus back to Adam
How was Jesus portrayed by Luke?
Jesus was portrayed as the Savior of the world.
Who was John?
He was the son of Zebedee
One of his brothers was James
Lived in Bethsaida
John was a fisherman
The Youngest of the Disciples
He took care of Mary after Jesus died
Only disciple at Jesus’ crucifixion
He was the last living disciple and the only one to die a natural death.
Written in Late 90 CE
Who was the target audience for the gospel of John?
It was addressed to people who believed in Jesus Christ but wants to continuously give reasons as to why people should believe in Jesus.
The Uniqueness of the Gospel of John
The last gospel to be written
Offers an accurate chronology of the Ministry of Jesus
There are no short parables
There are only 5 miracles in John
No genealogy
No baptism
No childhood of Jesus
No demoniacs (No one possessed by evil spirit)
No birth story of Jesus
How was Jesus portrayed in John?
Jesus was portrayed as the Son of God and as God Himself.
What does the word ‘Gospel’ mean?
To bring or announce good news
What does synoptic mean?
Seeing as One or Seeing Together
What is the Messianic Secret?
It is a phenomenon in the gospels predominantly in the gospel of Mark where Jesus conceals about His mission and messianic character and power until His closing period of His ministry.
What are the 3 types of Sin?
- Lust of the Flesh
- The Lust of the Eyes
- The Pride of Life
The Steps to Repentance
- Acknowledging and admit that you’ve sinned and express genuine regret and sorrow.
- Ask for Forgiveness
- Ask God to renew yourself
- Ask God for courage and strength to help those who have committed sins to repent