Fundamentals of Nutrition Part 2 Chapter 3 Flashcards
What are the 4 ways to adopt A HEALTHY FOOD PHILOSOPHY?
- Variety: choosing different types of food within a food group instead of choosing the same thing everyday.
- Balance: choosing foods from all 6 foods groups everyday.
- Moderation: using portion control throughout the day. e.g.. if a food choice is high in fats, salt, sugar or Kcal then other foods in the meal should be low in these nutrients.
- Essential nutrients: needs to fulfill two requirements:
Deteriorating health will result if omitted from the diet e.g. function of the nervous system.
If permanent damage has not been done, normal function is restored if nutrient is re-introduced into the diet.
What is nutritional health?
It is determined by the body’s nutritional state with respect to each needed nutrient.
What are the three classes of Nutritional Health?
1) Desirable Nutrition:
Body tissues have enough nutrients to support normal metabolic functions with available surplus stores when needed.
2) Undernutrition:
prolonged nutrient intake that is insufficient to meet normal metabolic needs resulting in surplus stores being depleted and declining health.
3) Overnutrition:
prolonged over consumption of nutrients necessary for the body’s metabolic needs.
What is malnutrition?
It is a prolonged eating habit that does not coincide with
nutritional needs.
What is a nutritional state and how is it determined?
It is determined by measuring the ABCDE’s AND Analyzing the Diet-Related Background.
What are the ABCDE’s
A.nthropometric Measurements
B.iochemical Assessment
C.linical Assessment
D.ietary Assessment
E.nvironmental Assessment
What are Anthropometric Measurements?
measurements of the body weight, height/length, circumference, thickness of parts of the body.
What are Biochemical Assessments?
measurements of different blood enzyme
activities, concentration of nutrients and nutrient byproducts in the
bloodstream and urine1.
What are Clinical Assessments?
observations of general appearance (skin, eyes, behaviour etc) for physical evidence of diet related disease.
What are Dietary Assessments?
examination of a person’s food intake pattern based on their description of foods they usually eat.
What are the 2 types of Background info is collected?
- Medical History: past surgeries, current diseases.
- Medications: current or past.
What is an Environmental Assessment?
✓Social history (marital status, cooking facilities)
✓Family history
✓Economic status
- Lengthy delay between development of poor nutritional
health and clinical evidence of illness. - Individual assessments can be ambiguous.
What causes Food Borne Illnesses?
Usually results from unsafe food handling in the HOME.
The greatest risk are from bacterial, viral and fungal contamination.
Who are the types of more susceptible to Food Borne Illnesses?
❖very young, very old.
❖immuno-compromised patients.
❖Persons taking immunosuppressant medications.
❖persons with certain chronic illnesses.
❖pregnant women.