Life and Teachings of Christ Part 2 Flashcards
What are the 5 different Jewish Sects?
- Pharisees
- Sadducees
- Essenes
- Zealots
- Scribes
Who are the Pharisees (Hadism)?
They were the strictest sect of Judaism.
They derived their name from the Hebrew verb ‘parash’ which means to separate.
They were meticulous about paying their tithes.
They studied the Law and gave it their strictest interpretation.
They were excessively conscious of their virtues and paraded them before God and to be seen of others.
Because their ideals exceeded their performance Jesus branded them as hypocrites and blind guides.
They believed in the resurrection, angels, demons, and in a judgement.
Who are the Sadducees (Members of the Supreme Council)?
They were a smaller group than the Pharisees but were influential due to their wealth as well as being apart of the priesthood.
They accepted the Torah and Law but not the old testament because they believed it was uninspired. They insisted that the final authority came from the 5 books of Moses.
They did not believe in the resurrection, angels, demons, nor in a judgement.
Who are the Essenes (Hadism)?
They were not apart of normal community life.
They practiced celibacy, and owning their own possessions in communal ownership.
Describe the Sermon on the Mount
Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist
Jesus returns from His testing in the wilderness by the devil.
The beginning of Jesus’ preaching to repent for the kingdom of heaven is near
Jesus call of His first disciples
A summary of His early ministry.
The Sermon on the Mount sets the principles of the Kingdom. The true rule of Life.
What are the 8 steps of the Beatitudes?
- Humility (Conscious Need)
- Penitence (Mourning for Sin)
- Meekness (Making the birth of a new Life)
- Spiritual Appetite (Signifying Growth)
- Mercifulness (An attribute of God indicating further advance)
- Heart Purity (Making the attainment of higher attitudes, where comes the vision of God)
- Peacemaking (A Christlike influence, calming the storms of life).
- The Summit, Suffering for Christ (Standing beside the prophets and martyrs)
What are disciples seen as in the Beatitudes?
- Those who are poor in spirit
- Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
- The Peacemakers
- Those who are willing to endure slander and persecution because of their faith in Jesus.
What are the Christological Titles?
- The Lamb of God
- “I Am “ Sayings
- Son of Man
What does the Lamb of God mean?
It represents Jesus and His mission of taking sin away from the world.
It was His role as the suffering servant. He was led like a lamb to slaughter.
What are the “I Am “ Sayings?
It was Jesus being conscious of who He is.
I am the bread of Life: It presents Jesus as spiritual nutrition for humanity.
I am light of the World
I am the way
What does Son of Man mean?
Jesus was the only person to give this title to Himself.
Why did the different Jewish Sects objected to Jesus?
- They said He broke the Law:
The Pentateuch/Torah, The Ten Commandments, The Oral Law - Jesus had issues with their beliefs and practices
- Because he associated Himself with sinners and Publicans.
- Because the crowds would follow Jesus.
- He worked on the Sabbath.
What is The Via Dolorosa?
The Via Dolorosa begins at the Crusader Chapel of the Crowning of Thorns, north of the temple area.
1st Station: Crowning of Thorns
2nd Station: Where the cross was laid upon Jesus
3rd Station: Damascus Gate where there was a broken column on the wall where Jesus fell the 1st time.
4th Station: Where Jesus met His mother.
5th Station: Where Simon the Cryenian took the cross from Jesus.
6th Station: St. Veronica wiped the sweat from Jesus’ face.
7th Station: Jesus left the city on His way to Calvary.
8th Station: Jesus spoke to the women who lamented for Him.
9th Station: Where the weight of the cross made Jesus fell a second time.
10th Station: Where Jesus was stripped.
11th Station: Jesus is nailed on the Cross
12th Station: Jesus dies on the Cross.
Who are the Zealots (Sicarii)?
They were hostile to the romans.
They continued their guerilla movement until the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70.
Who were the Scribes?
They were the writers of the Law.