Level 3 Vault Flashcards
A. General Deductions:
1. Failure to maintain a straight body position:
Arch: Each phase up to .30
Pike: Each phase up to .50
A. General Deductions:
2. Legs bent
Each phase up to .30
A. General Deductions:
3. Legs separated
Each phase up to .20
A. General Deductions
4. Incorrect foot form
Each phase up to .10
A. General Deductions
5. Incorrect head alignment
Each phase up to .10
A. General Deductions
6. Deviation from straight direction
Up to .30
A. General Deductions
7. Insufficient dynamics (speed/power)
Up to .30
A. General Deductions
8. Assistance of coach after gymnast achieves hand support on the mat stack
A. General Deductions
*If the gymnast never achieves vertical and returns to the board (or lands on the mat stack between the board and hand placement)
A. General Deductions
9. Performing incorrect vault (i.e. squat on, etc.)
A. General Deductions
10. Assistance of coach from board to mat stack (NO deduction for coach standing between board and stack mat)
A. General Deductions
11. Run-approach without executing the vault (Balk)
No Deduction
A. General Deductions
12. Touching the springboard or mat stack
B. Run and Board Contact:
(Fall on runway during approach = balk (not fall or void)
1. Insufficient acceleration during the run
Up to .30
B. Run and Board Contact:
(Fall on runway during approach = balk (not fall or void)
2. Failure to maintain horizontal running speed to the board
Up to .30
B. Run and Board Contact:
(Fall on runway during approach = balk (not fall or void)
3. Excessive forward lean of the body upon board contact
Up to .30
D. Support Phase
1. Arms bent
Up to .50
D. Support Phase
2. Completely bent arms causing head to contact mat)
D. Support Phase
3. Incorrect shoulder alignment (showing a shoulder angle less than 180 degrees)
Up to .30
D. Support Phase
4. Failure to show an inverted vertical position from hands to hips (Performing a forward rolling action)
Up to 2.00
D. Support Phase
- Contacting the mat stack with the hands after vertical
* Contact from 1-45 degrees past vertical:_______
* Contact from 46-89 degrees past vertical:______
1-45 degrees past vertical: Up to .50
46-89 degrees past vertical: .55-1.00
D. Support Phase
6. If both hands land beyond the tape line
D. Support Phase
7. Staggered hand placement: one hand inside zone, one over line
D. Support Phase
8. Additional hand placements (taking steps/hops on hands)
Each .10
D. Support Phase
9. Failure to contact mat with both hands (performs a front layout or touches with only one hand)
C. First Fight Phase
See A. General Vault Deductions for body position, etc.
E. Post-Handstand Phase
See A. General Vault Deductions for body position, etc.
F. Landing Phase
- Failure to finish in a straight lying position on the back
* Examples for applying this deduction:
- —The gymnast lands on her feet, salutes, and steps off the mat
- —The gymnast lands on her seat with 90degree hip angle, salutes, and steps off the mat
- —The gymnast lands on her back with an arch and bent legs, salutes and steps off the mat
Failure to finish in straight lying position—1.00
Lands on feet, salutes, steps off mat—1.00
Lands on seat with 90 degree hip angle, salutes, and steps off mat—.50
Lands on back with arch and bent legs, salutes, and steps off mat—.50
If gymnast makes any Landing phase execution errors than lies back down to straight lying position ___ DEDUCTION for failure to finish on mat in straight lying position is taken.
No deduction for failure to finish on mat in straight lying position is taken; however, you may have execution deductions for the errors while the gymnast is falling to her back (Post-handstand phase)
The evaluation finishes when _______
The gymnast arrives in a straight lying position