Level 2 Uneven Bars Flashcards
- Back Hip Pullover Mount (.60)
—Failure to lift both legs simultaneously (1-foot take-off)
- Back Hip Pullover Mount (.60)
—Supplemental support (chin resting on bar prior to leg lift)
- Back Hip Pullover Mount (.60)
—Failure to finish in extended front support
Up to .10
- Cast (.40)
—Incorrect body alignment
Up to .20
- Cast (.40)
—Lack of control in returning to bar
Up to .10
- Back Hip Circle (.40)
—Failure to maintain straight-hollow body position throughout
Up to .20
- Back Hip Circle (.40)
—Failure to maintain hip or upper thigh contact on bar throughout
Up to .20
- Back Hip Circle (.40)
—Lack of continuity of circle
Up to .10
- *Single Leg Cut Forward (.20)
—Leg/foot contacting bar on leg cut
(* Indicates a reversal is allowed)
Up to .20
- *Single Leg Cut Forward (.20)
—Lack of control in re-grasp
*Indicates a reversal is allowed
Up to .10
- *Forward Stride Circle/Single Leg Basket Swing (.60)
—Failure to show clear stride support at start of circle/basket swing
*Indicates a reversal is allowed
Up to .20
- *Forward Stride Circle/Single Leg Basket Swing (.60)
—Failure to show clear stride support at the completion of the stride circle (or forward basket swing)
(The Leg is allowed to touch the bar before clear support with NO deduction).
*Indicates a reversal is allowed
Up to .20
- Single Leg Swing Backward (.20)
—Leg/foot contacting bar on swing
*Indicates a reversal in allowed
Up to .20
- Single Leg Swing Backward (.20)
—Failure to finish in control
*Indicates a reversal in allowed
Up to .20
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Placing feet outside of hands
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Alternate foot placement
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Lack of control in squat-on
Up to .20
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Failure to tuck (performs a pike-on)
Up to .10
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain straight-hollow body position
Up to .20
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to .10
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient extension of body in flight
Up to .20
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient amplitude of flight
Up to .20
- Cast, Squat-On, Pike Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient distance
Up to .10
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain a straight-hollow body position throughout
Up to .20
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Hips contacting bar (no deduction for thighs touching bar)
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to .10
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient extension of body in flight
Up to .20
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient amplitude of flight
Up to .20
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient distance
Up to .10