Level 1 Uneven Bars Flashcards
- Back Hip Pullover Mount (.60)
—Failure to lift both legs simultaneously (1-foot take-off)
- Back Hip Pullover Mount (.60)
—Supplemental support (chin resting on bar prior to leg lift)
- Back Hip Pullover Mount (.60)
—Failure to finish in extended front support
Up to .10
- Cast (.40)
—Incorrect body alignment
Up to .20
- Cast (.40)
—Lack of control in returning to bar
Up to .10
- Back Hip Circle (.40)
—Failure to maintain straight-hollow body position throughout
Up to .20
- Back Hip Circle (.40)
—Failure to maintain hip or upper thigh contact on bar throughout
Up to .20
- Back Hip Circle (.40)
—Lack of continuity of circle
Up to .10
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Placing feet between the hands
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Alternate foot placement
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Lack of control in straddle-on
Up to .20
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain straight hollow-body position
Up to .20
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to .10
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient extension of body in flight
Up to .20
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient distance
Up to .10
- Cast, Straddle-on, Sole Circle Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient amplitude of flight
Up to .20
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain a straight-hollow body position throughout
Up to .20
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Hips contacting bar (no deduction for thighs touching bar)
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to .10
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient extension of body in flight
Up to .20
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient distance
Up to .10
- Underswing Dismount (.60)
—Insufficient amplitude of flight
Up to .20