lesson 3 part 2 Flashcards
Cognitive Stages of Development
John Piaget
'’human intelligence progresses through a SERIES OF STAGE BASED ON AGE with the child at each successive stage’’ demonstrating a higher level of functioning than at previous stages
cognitive stages of development
_______ believes that biologic changes and maturation are responsible for cognitive development
John Piaget
this theory is most useful when working with children
cognitive stages of development
what are cognitive stages of development
concrete operation
formal operation
WHAT IS THE AGE: Sensorimotor
0-2 YRS
WHAT IS THE AGE: Preoperational
WHAT IS THE AGE: Concrete Operations
WHAT IS THE AGE: Formal Operations
Uses a pyramid to arrange and illustrate the basic drives or needs that motivate people
abraham maslow
WHAT STAGE: Develops a SENSE OF SELF AS SEPARATE, begins to form mental images, Object Permanence (objects do not cease to exist just because they are out of sight)
WHAT STAGE: develops the ability express self through language, understands the meaning of SYMBOLIC GESTURES, begins to classify objects
WHAT STAGE: begins to apply logic to thinking, understands spatiality and reversibility, increasingly social and able to apply rules
concrete operation
Able to think and reason in abstract terms, Further development of logical thinking and reasoning, Achieves cognitive maturity
who made the psychosexual theory
sigmund freud
who made the psychosocial stages of development
erik erikson
this theory allows the person to achieve life virtues such as hope, purpose, love, fidelity, caring, wisdom
psychosocial stages of development
objects do not cease to exist just because they are out of sight
object permanence