lesson 13 part 1 Flashcards
a crime of violence and humiliation of the victim expressed through sexual means
act of sexual intercourse with a female against her will, without consent, by force, fear, drugs or if the woman has a mental deficiency or below the age of consent.
equires only slight penetration of the outer vulva; full erection and ejaculation are not necessary
can occur between gay partners or strangers but is most prevalent in institutions such as prisons or maximum-security hospitals
male rape
what mental illness could be developed when raped?
Suicidal thoughts
– men who are aroused by pain of victims
sexual sadist
impulsively use their victims for objects of gratification
exploitive predators
- believe that women should voluntarily have sexual relations with them and are obsessed with fantasies about sex
inadequate men
what are the type of male rapists
sexual sadists
exploitive predators
inadequate men
men as expression of anger and rage
what is the primary motivation of raped women?
should be done before the victim has showered, brushed teeth, changed clothes or
undergone douching
complete physical assessment
- focuses on restoring the victim’s sense of control; relieving feelings of helplessness, dependency,
and obsession with the assault that frequently follow rape
individual therapy
used when a victim is dissociating or experiencing a flashback
grounding technique
maltreatment or intentional injury of a child
child abuse
often perpetrated by fathers/stepfathers, uncles, older siblings and live-in partners of the child’s mother
child abuse
abused children often become:
suffer marital problems in adulthood
–such as corporal punishment - children will show scars, multiple fractures, multiple bruises during physical assessment
physical abuse
- incest, rape, sodomy, rubbing/fondling, exposing the adult’s genitals to the child
sexual abuse
malicious or ignorant withholding of physical, emotional or educational support to the child
- blaming, screaming, constant family discord, withholding affection, love and nurturing, exposure to alcoholism, drug abuse or prostitution.
psychological abuse
what are the types of child abuse
physical abuse
psychological abuse
sexual abuse
maltreatment of older adults by family or caregivers
elder abuse
what type of abuse in elderly: frequent, unexplained injuries, disorientation/grogginess, fear/anxiety around family, reluctance to seek treatment
what type of abuse in elderly: isolation, helplessness, withdrawal, anger/agitation
psychosocial abuse
what type of abuse in elderly: poor hygiene, lacking needed medications, dirty/smelly environment, rashes/sores/lice, untreated condition, lacking clothing
neglect abuse
what type of abuse in elderly: unpaid bills, sudden sale of property, unusual bank activity, changes to will, missing valuables and property
material abuse
what type of abuse in elderly: nability to manager personal finances, ADL’s, wandering/refusing medical attention, isolation, confusion,
memory loss, unresponsiveness