Lesson 28 The Movies Flashcards
The company for which he is working distributes films.
La compagnie pour laquelle iI travaille distribue des films.
If a preposition precedes the relative pronoun (for, to, which, etc.), you use lequel (which). It is used to refer to things; with rare exceptions, to refer to people you can use qui. Lequel agrees in gender and number with the antecedent.
I like films in which there is no violence.
J’aime les films dans lesquels il n’y a pas de violence.
If a preposition precedes the relative pronoun (for, to, which, etc.), you use lequel (which). It is used to refer to things; with rare exceptions, to refer to people you can use qui. Lequel agrees in gender and number with the antecedent.
The chair on which he is sitting belonged to my great-aunt.
La chaise sur laquelle il est assis était à ma grand-tante.
If a preposition precedes the relative pronoun (for, to, which, etc.), you use lequel (which). It is used to refer to things; with rare exceptions, to refer to people you can use qui. Lequel agrees in gender and number with the antecedent.
It’s the literature in which she is interested
C’est la littérature à laquelle elle s’interesse.
The preposition à combines with certain forms of lequel.
This is the young woman with whom he went to the movies.
C’est la jeune femme avec qui il est allé au cinema.
It’s the friend with whom I am having dinner tonight.
C’est l’ami avec qui je dîne ce soir.
The young man whose parents I know is a film student.
Le jeune homme dont je connais les parents étudie le cinema.
Dont can take on a possessive meaning (whose).
The actress whose name I forgot acts very well.
L’actrice dont j’ai oublié le nom joue très bien.
The film I’m talking about isn’t violent. (of which)
Le film dont je parle n’est pas violent.
With verbs using the preposition de, the relative pronoun dont is used
The film in question won a prize at the Cannes festival.
Le film dont il s’agit a reçu un prix au festival de Cannes.
With verbs using the preposition de, the relative pronoun dont is used
The castle we are approaching dates from the 16th century.
Le chateau dont nous nous approchons date du 16éme siecle.
With verbs using the preposition de, the relative pronoun dont is used
What you are talking about is fascinating.
Ce dont vous parlez est passionnant.
With verbs using the preposition de, the relative pronoun dont is used
He goes to the movies only on Sundays.
II ne va au cinema que le dimanche.
You only like to watch violent films.
Tu n’aimes regarder que les films violents.
They only see dubbed films.
Ils ne voient que des films doubles.
He takes a vacation with his parents only in summer.
II ne prend des vacances avec ses parents qu’en été.
Of all the films at the festival, she only liked Godard’s.
Elle n’a aime, dans tous les films du festival, que celui de Godard.
What is it about?
De quoi s’agit-il?
This film is about the life of a great pianist.
Dans ce film, il s’agit de la vie d’un grand pianiste.
You have to make a decision; your future is at stake.
Il faut prendre une decision; il s’agit de ton avenir.
It’s not a matter of money!
Il ne s’agit pas d’argent!
That’s not the point!
Il ne s’agit pas de ça!
This is no time for joking!
Il ne s’agit pas de plaisanter!
cinema, movies; movie theater
le cinema
film; movie
le film
detective film
le film policier
la violence
le meurtre
le documentaire
story; plot
I’histoire (f.)
love story
I’histoire d’amour
film maker
le cineaste
le producteur
author, writer
I’auteur (m.)
the director (of a theater production)
le metteur en scene
the star (main feature, spotlight)
la vedette
to play, to act (theater, movies)
to play a role, to act a part
jouer un role
to shoot a film
tourner un film