Bien bon Flashcards
That’s a good idea.
C’est une bonne idée.
Bon describes a noun as “good” as in valid, high quality, useful, pleasant, etc.
The milk is good until tomorrow.
Le lait est bon jusqu’à demain.
Bon describes a noun as “good” as in valid, high quality, useful, pleasant, etc.
The water is nice!
L’eau est bonne !
Bon describes a noun as “good” as in valid, high quality, useful, pleasant, etc.
I need a high-quality bike.
J’ai besoin d’un bon vélo.
Bon describes a noun as “good” as in valid, high quality, useful, pleasant, etc.
It would be good for you to cook.
Ce serait bien si tu faisais la cuisine.
Sometimes bien is used as an adjective, as in with state-of-being verbs and it means “good” in the sense of moral, satisfying, healthy, or attractive.
It’s not good to say that.
Ce n’est pas bien de dire ça.
Sometimes bien is used as an adjective, as in with state-of-being verbs and it means “good” in the sense of moral, satisfying, healthy, or attractive.
We’re comfortable here.
On est bien ici.
Sometimes bien is used as an adjective, as in with state-of-being verbs and it means “good” in the sense of moral, satisfying, healthy, or attractive.
Are you well?
Tu vas bien ?
Bien is an adverb of manner and means “well”
I ate well.
J’ai bien mangé.
Bien is an adverb of manner and means “well”
He gets along well with children.
Il s’entend bien avec les enfants.
Bien is an adverb of manner and means “well”
It’s much better.
Ça va bien mieux.
Bien can also be an adverb of quantity and emphasize another adverb or adjective
She’s been working for a very long time.
Elle travaille depuis bien longtemps.
Bien can also be an adverb of quantity and emphasize another adverb or adjective
I’m very happy to see you.
Je suis bien content de te voir.
Bien can also be an adverb of quantity and emphasize another adverb or adjective
I know perfectly well that you did it.
Je sais bien que tu l’as fait.
Bien can also be an adverb of quantity and emphasize a verb
Is it really a mistake?
Est-ce bien une erreur ?
Bien can also be an adverb of quantity and emphasize a verb
He did indeed tell the truth.
Il a bien dit la vérité.
Bien can also be an adverb of quantity and emphasize a verb
It’s nice and warm in the sun.
Il fait bon au soleil.
With faire and sentir, bon is an adverb meaning “nice, pleasant, good”
It’s nice living in France.
Il fait bon vivre en France.
With faire and sentir, bon is an adverb meaning “nice, pleasant, good”
That smells good!
Ça sent bon !
With faire and sentir, bon is an adverb meaning “nice, pleasant, good”
I’m only going to eat the good part.
Je vais manger seulement le bon.
Le bon means “the good part” or “advantage(s)”
His solutions always have advantages.
Ses solutions ont toujours du bon.
Le bon means “the good part” or “advantage(s)”
gift certificate
un bon d’achat
Un bon is the generic term for an official document bond, form, slip, coupon, voucher, certificate
delivery slip
un bon de livraison
Un bon is the generic term for an official document bond, form, slip, coupon, voucher, certificate
It’s for your own good.
C’est pour ton bien.
Le bien refers to “good”
It will be good for you.
Ça te fera du bien.
Le bien refers to “good”
good and evil
le bien et le mal
Le bien refers to “good”
goods and services
les biens et les services
Les biens are “goods” or “property”
real estate
les biens immobiliers
Les biens are “goods” or “property”
private property
les biens privés
Les biens are “goods” or “property”
What’s the use?
À quoi bon ?
oh yeah? I see
ah bon ?
to look healthy
avoir bonne mine
Happy birthday!
Bon anniversaire !
Enjoy your meal!
Bon appétit !
have a nice afternoon
bon après-midi
all the best, keep up the good work
Bon courage !
good riddance!
Bon débarras !
have a nice Sunday
bon dimanche
hello, good morning
safe journey home
bon retour
good evening
have a good weekend
bon week-end
Happy New Year!
Bonne Année !
Good luck!
Bonne chance !
Happy [current holiday]!
Bonne fête !
have a nice day
bonne journée
good night
bonne nuit
safe journey
bonne route
stay well, keep healthy
bonne santé
have a nice evening
bonne soirée
enjoy your vacation
bonnes vacances
have a nice swim, enjoy your swim
bonne baignade
have a good game, enjoy the game
bon match
have a nice walk, enjoy your walk
bonne promenade
have a nice bike ride, enjoy your bike ride
bon vélo
have a good trip, enjoy your trip
bon voyage
good for nothing
bon à rien
friendly, good-natured
bon enfant
inexpensive, cheap
bon marché
de bon cœur
de bon gré
bright and early
de bon matin
in good condition
en bon état
for good, definitively; really, truly
pour de bon
He who laughs last laughs best.
Rira bien qui rira le dernier.
All’s well that ends well.
Tout est bien qui finit bien.
to be well, in good health
aller bien
to be a good talker
avoir la langue bien pendue
altogether, truly, really
bel et bien
comfortable with oneself
bien dans sa peau
the good of humanity
le bien d’humanité
of course, obviously
bien entendu
good and evil
le bien et le mal
much better
bien mieux
public good
le bien public
very often
bien souvent
of course
bien sûr
of course not
bien sûr que non
a store’s goods
les biens d’un magasin
real estate
les biens immobiliers
to speak well of
dire du bien de
to do someone good
faire du bien à quelqu’un
to do good
faire le bien
We’ll see!
On verra bien !
to return good for evil
rendre le bien pour le mal
That’s a bad idea.
C’est une mauvaise idée.
Mauvais is an adjective. It describes a noun as “bad” as in mean, wrong, poor quality, etc.
The milk is already bad.
Le lait est déjà mauvais.
Mauvais is an adjective. It describes a noun as “bad” as in mean, wrong, poor quality, etc.
The water is bad, it’s dirty.
L’eau est mauvaise, elle est sale.
Mauvais is an adjective. It describes a noun as “bad” as in mean, wrong, poor quality, etc.
I only have a poor-quality bike.
Je n’ai qu’un mauvais vélo.
Mauvais is an adjective. It describes a noun as “bad” as in mean, wrong, poor quality, etc.
It would be bad if you forgot it.
Ce serait mal si tu l’oubliais.
When mal is an adjective, it’s used with state-of-being verbs and means “bad” in the sense of immoral, unsatisfying, unhealthy, or unattractive
It’s bad to say that.
C’est mal de dire ça.
When mal is an adjective, it’s used with state-of-being verbs and means “bad” in the sense of immoral, unsatisfying, unhealthy, or unattractive
We’re not doing well at the moment.
On est mal en ce moment.
When mal is an adjective, it’s used with state-of-being verbs and means “bad” in the sense of immoral, unsatisfying, unhealthy, or unattractive
Everything is going wrong.
Tout va mal.
Mal is an adverb of manner and means “badly, poorly, not well”
I ate poorly.
J’ai mal mangé.
Mal is an adverb of manner and means “badly, poorly, not well”
He doesn’t get along well with children.
Il s’entend mal avec les enfants.
Mal is an adverb of manner and means “badly, poorly, not well”
The work is poorly done.
Le travail est mal fait.
Mal is an adverb of manner and means “badly, poorly, not well”
I have quite a bit of work to do.
J’ai pas mal de travail à faire.
Mal is also found in the expression of quantity pas mal de which is a synonym of beaucoup.
She knows quite a few lawyers.
Elle connaît pas mal d’avocats.
Mal is also found in the expression of quantity pas mal de which is a synonym of beaucoup.
The weather is bad in the mountains.
Il fait mauvais dans les montagnes.
With faire and sentir, mauvais can be an adverb meaning “bad, unpleasant”
That smells bad.
Ça sent mauvais.
With faire and sentir, mauvais can be an adverb meaning “bad, unpleasant”
I threw away the bad part.
J’ai jeté le mauvais.
As a noun, le mauvais means “the bad part” or “disadvantage(s)”
This solution offers only disadvantages.
Cette solution ne présente que du mauvais.
As a noun, le mauvais means “the bad part” or “disadvantage(s)”
good and evil
le bien et le mal
Le mal refers to “evil,” “pain,” or “illness”
I hurt (have pain) everywhere.
J’ai mal partout.
Le mal refers to “evil,” “pain,” or “illness”
seasickness, homesickness
le mal de mer, de pays
Le mal refers to “evil,” “pain,” or “illness”
evil heart
un mauvais cœur
faulty connection
un mauvais contact
poor excuse
une mauvaise excuse
une mauvaise herbe
rainy season
la mauvaise saison
le mauvais sort
bad weather
le mauvais temps
to go the wrong way
aller dans le mauvais sens
to have bad breath
avoir mauvaise haleine
to look unhealthy
avoir mauvaise mine
The (tennis) ball is out
La balle est mauvaise.
unwillingly, reluctantly
de mauvais gré
in poor condition
en mauvais état
The cure is worse than the disease.
Le remède est pire que le mal.
to have a hard time doing
avoir du mal à faire qqch.
to have a headache, toothache
avoir mal à la tête, aux dents
to have a headache, toothache
avoir un mal de tête, de dents
to be seasick
avoir le mal de mer
to be homesick
avoir le mal du pays
good and evil
le bien et le mal
to harm, do harm to
faire mal à
to return good for evil
rendre le bien pour le mal
to hurt oneself
se faire mal
I hurt my hand
Je me suis fait mal à la main.
(whether you) like it or not
bon gré mal gré
What a pity!
C’est mal fait !
people don’t like that
c’est mal vu
from bad to worse
de mal en pis
to feel bad about oneself
être mal dans sa peau
mal à l’aise
poorly done
mal fait
not bad, pretty good
pas mal
quite a bit (of), quite a few
pas mal (de)
to feel bad about oneself
se sentir mal dans sa peau
everything is going wrong
tout va mal
You look pretty good in this picture.
Tu n’es pas mal sur cette photo.
It is a very good decision that I agree with!
C’est une très bonne décision que j’approuve !
Don’t make noise! She sleeps so well.
Ne fais pas de bruit ! Elle dort si bien.
This wine is really very good.
Ce vin est vraiment très bon.
He is a very good teacher.
C’est un très bon professeur.
Explain to me what to do.
Explique-moi bien ce que je dois faire.
I was kind enough to answer you, so listen!
J’ai bien voulu te répondre, alors écoute !
Grammar is well explained in this book.
La grammaire est bien expliquée dans ce livre.
I feel good in my new home.
Je me sens bien dans ma nouvelle maison.
You have finished all your work. It’s good
Tu as fini tout ton travail. C’est bien.
Do you like Basque chicken? Yes, I find it very good.
Tu aimes le poulet à la basquaise ? Oui, je trouve ça très bon.
I don’t quite understand what he is saying. He speaks fast.
Je ne comprends pas bien ce qu’il dit. Il parle vite.
Tell me, are you okay?
Dis-moi, est-ce que tu vas bien ?
Lucas is a good student, he works hard.
Lucas est un bon élève, il travaille sérieusement.
Zoe plays very quietly in her new room.
Zoé joue bien sagement dans sa nouvelle chambre.
The grammar lesson is well explained by the teacher.
La leçon de grammaire est bien expliquée par le professeur.
We had a great time with you.
Nous avons passé un bon moment en votre compagnie.
These pants are way too long. I have to hem it.
Ce pantalon est bien trop long. Je dois lui faire un ourlet.
My Italian friend cooks sea fish very well.
Mon amie italienne cuisine très bien les poissons de mer.
I bought a good piece of meat from the new butcher.
J’ai acheté un bon morceau de viande chez le nouveau boucher.
Wrap up tight, it’s so cold outside!
Couvrez-vous bien , il fait si froid dehors !
The flowers in my grandmother’s garden smell great.
Les fleurs du jardin de ma grand-mère sentent bon.
He is a good student.
C’est un bon élève.
It’s good if you want to come tomorrow morning.
C’est bien si tu veux venir demain matin.
This dish is not good. He smells bad
Ce plat n’est pas bon. Il sent mauvais.
I slept well last night.
J’ai bien dormi hier soir.
It smells good. What is that ?
Ça sent bon. Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
She is doing well. She’s healthy.
Elle se porte bien. Elle est en bonne santé.
He’s gone for good.
Il est parti pour de bon.
The vacuum cleaner no longer works well.
L’aspirateur ne marche plus bien.
Can you help us? Of course !
Vous pouvez nous aider ? Bien entendu !
My father cooks well. He is a good cook.
Mon père cuisine bien. C’est un bon cuisinier.
This man has bad eyes. He can see badly.
Cet homme a de mauvais yeux. Il voit mal.
He has trouble reading.
Il a du mal à lire.
He often has a headache.
Il a souvent mal à la tête.
The weather is bad today.
Aujourd’hui il fait mauvais.
Excuse me. Did I hurt you?
Excusez-moi. Je vous ai fait mal ?
He’s not coming. He’s bad tonight.
Il ne vient pas. Il va mal ce soir.
This is a bad excuse.
C’est une mauvaise excuse.
We slept badly.
Nous avons mal dormi.
His homework is poorly done.
Ses devoirs sont mal faits.
This is bad news.
C’est une mauvaise nouvelle.
It is wrong to lie.
Il est mal de mentir.
This little boy is rude.
Ce petit garçon est mal élevé.
No, I don’t agree. It’s not bad.
Non, je ne suis pas d’accord. Il n’est pas mauvais.