Lesson 23 Les Cafés et Restaurants Flashcards
Conjugate manger in the imparfait
je mangeais tu mangeais
il/elle/on mangeait
nous mangions vous mangiez
ils/elles mangeaient
Conjugate commencer in the imparfait
je commençais tu commençais
il/elle/on commençait
nous commencions vous commenciez
ils/elles commençaient
I took
je prenais
I saw
je voyais
I drank
je buvais
I went
I had
I said
je disais
I was
you were
tu étais
he/she/one was
il/elle/on était
we were
nous étions
you were (pl.)
vous étiez
they were
ils/elles étaient
I used to spend hours in this cafe.
Je passais des heures dans ce café.
The imperfect is used to describe an action that was performed in the past habitually.
You would always order the same dish.
Tu commandais toujours le même plat.
The imperfect is used to describe an action that was performed in the past habitually.
She was reading a book when suddenly the phone rang.
Elle lisait un livre quand soudain le téléphone a sonné.
The imperfect is used when an action or a duration is interrupted by another action.
He was having dinner in a restaurant when a friend of his walked in.
Il dînait au restaurant quand un de ses amis est entré.
The imperfect is used when an action or a duration is interrupted by another action.
We were reading while they were watching TV.
Nous lisions pendant qu’ils regardaient la télévision.
The imperfect describes two simultaneous actions in the past.
They were talking about politics while they were having dinner.
Ils parlaient de politique pendant qu’ils dînaient.
The imperfect describes two simultaneous actions in the past.
She was wearing a black dress.
Elle portait une robe noire.
The imperfect is used to describe the state of things or minds.
They were tired.
Ils étaient fatigués.
The imperfect is used to describe the state of things or minds.
It was warm.
Il faisait chaud.
The imperfect is used to describe the state of things or minds.
What about treating ourselves to a good bottle of wine?
Si on s’offrait une bonne bouteille de vin?
The imperfect used with a si + on construction means “what about.”
What about going to the movies this afternoon?
Si on allait au cinéma cet après-midi?
The imperfect used with a si + on construction means “what about.”
What about ordering Champagne?
Si on commandait du Champagne?
The imperfect used with a si + on construction means “what about.”
This is my sandwich. Here’s yours.
C’est mon sandwich. Voilà le tien.
He has his bag. She has hers.
Il a son sac. Elle a le sien.
We like our house. She likes hers.
Nous aimons notre maison. Elle aime la sienne.
They take their car. We take ours.
Ils prennent leur voiture. Nous prenons la nôtre.
She talks to her friends, and I talk to mine.
Elle parle à ses amis, et moi, je parle aux miens.
When the possessive pronoun is preceded by à or de, the article is contracted in the usual way.
We need our documents, and you need yours.
Nous avons besoin de nos documents, et vous, vous avez besoin des vôtres.
When the possessive pronoun is preceded by à or de, the article is contracted in the usual way.
This bag is mine.
Ce sac est à moi.
If no distinction is made as to the owner, the most common way of expressing possession is using être + à + the stressed pronoun
These books are mine.
Ces livres sont à moi.
If no distinction is made as to the owner, the most common way of expressing possession is using être + à + the stressed pronoun
It’s mine, it’s not yours!
C’est le mien, ce n’est pas le tien!
If there is a distinction of the owner, the possessive pronoun will be used.
This photo album is mine, that one is yours.
Cet album photos est le mien, celui-là est le vôtre.
If there is a distinction of the owner, the possessive pronoun will be used.
He spends all his time in his office.
II passe tout son temps au bureau.
Tout agrees with gender and quantity of the noun it qualifies
He eats all day long.
Il mange toute la journée.
Tout agrees with gender and quantity of the noun it qualifies
They bought a drink for all the customers.
Ils ont offert un verre à tous les clients.
All the tables are taken.
Toutes les tables sont prises.
Everyone is sitting on the terrace of the cafe.
Tout le monde est assis à la terrasse du café.
Everyone went to the country this weekend
Tout le monde est allé à la campagne ce week-end.
He wants to see everything.
Il veut tout voir.
The pronoun tout remains invariable when it means “everything” in a general collective way
All is well
Tout va bien.
The pronoun tout remains invariable when it means “everything” in a general collective way
They are all here
Ils sont tous ici.
When the pronoun tout is used in the plural, referring to people or things, the final s is pronounced.
She is buying them all.
Elle les achète tous.
When the pronoun tout is used in the plural, referring to people or things, the final s is pronounced.
All of us!
Nous tous!
When the pronoun tout is used in the plural, referring to people or things, the final s is pronounced.
He drinks coffee every day.
Il boit du café tous les jours.
If tous is an adjective, the s is not pronounced.
They go to France every year.
Ils vont en France tous les ans.
If tous is an adjective, the s is not pronounced.
She gets up at 6 A.M, every morning.
Elle se lève à six heures tous les matins.
If tous is an adjective, the s is not pronounced.
They ate everything.
Ils ont tout mangé.
In the passé composé, the pronoun tout is placed between the auxiliary and the past participle.
She has read everything.
Elle a tout lu.
In the passé composé, the pronoun tout is placed between the auxiliary and the past participle.
not at all
pas du tout
in any case
en tout cas
tout de suite
after all
après tout
for ever
à tout jamais
tout à coup
quite, entirely
tout à fait
tout le monde
straight ahead
tout droit
see you later
à tout à l’heure
To die; conjugate it
je meurs tu meurs il/elle/on meurt
nous mourons vous mourez
ils/elles meurent
to starve (die of hunger)
mourir de faim
to die of thirst
mourir de soif
to die of boredom
mourir d’ennui
to laugh yourself to death
mourir de rire
to die of the heat
mourir de chaleur
to die of a broken heart
mourir d’amour
to be exhausted to death
mourir de fatigue
to die with one’s boots on (standing up)
mourir debout
to die to do something
mourir d’envie (de)
I am starving
Je meurs de faim.
We laughed ourselves to death.
On était morts de rire.
an espresso
un express (or espresso)
a cup of hot chocolate
un chocolat
a cup of tea
un thé
le croissant
waiter, waitress
le serveur la serveuse
le client/la cliente
on the terrace, outside
à la terrasse dehors
à l’intérieur
before-dinner drink
after-dinner drink
le digestif
to have a drink
prendre un verre
Cheers! To your health!
À la vôtre! À votre santé!
To your health! (fam.)
À la tienne!
fruit juice
le jus de fruit
la glace
an ice cream
une glace
frozen, cold (also, iced as in a cake)
les cacahuètes (f. pi.)
un sandwich
a ham sandwich
un sandwich au jambon
a hard sausage and butter sandwich
un saucisson-beurre
a hot ham and cheese open-faced sandwich
le croque-monsieur
le cornichon
la mémoire
the good old days
le bon vieux temps
to remember
se souvenir
to die (of hunger)
mourir (de faim)
to spend time
passer du temps
to be sitting
être assis
to order
to swallow
to offer oneself, to treat oneself
to be used to
avoir l’habitude
to carry, to wear
bag, handbag
le sac
le cuir
Who then?
Qui donc?
all day long
toute la journée
the side
le côté
It was raining.
Il pleut
It was necessary.
il fallait
What is the imperfect conjugation of être?
j’étais tu étais il/elle/on était
nous étions vous étiez ils/elles étaient
Were you a student then?
No, I was already an engineer.
Etais-tu étudiant à cette époque-là?
Non, j’étais déjà ingénieur.
They wanted to play in the orchestra.
Ils voulaient jouer dans l’orchestre.
Where were you last night?
We were at the theater.
Où étiez-vous hier soir?
Nous étions au théâtre.
You used to read the newspaper every day?
Only when I had time.
Tu lisais le journal tous les jours?
Seulement quand j’avais le temps.
What was the weather like?
It was cold and it was raining.
Quel temps faisait-il?
Il faisait froid et il pleuvait.
What time was it?
It was exactly one o’clock.
Quelle heure était-il?
Il était une heure précise.
The imperfect is used to tell what time, day or date it was in the past. The passé composé is never used.
It was Monday.
C’était lundi.
The imperfect is used to tell what time, day or date it was in the past. The passé composé is never used.
What did Louise tell you? She told me she was coming.
Qu’est-ce que Louise t’a dit?
Elle m’a dit qu’elle venait.
The imperfect tense is used in indirect discourse (in other words, to report what someone said) after the passé composé form of verbs such as dire, écrire, conseiller, annoncer, etc.
Did you write to them? Yes, I wrote them that I was traveling.
Leur avez-vous écrit?
Oui, je leur ai écrit que je voyageais.
The imperfect tense is used in indirect discourse (in other words, to report what someone said) after the passé composé form of verbs such as dire, écrire, conseiller, annoncer, etc.
Pierre announced to us he was getting married.
Pierre nous a annoncé qu’il se mariait.
The imperfect tense is used in indirect discourse (in other words, to report what someone said) after the passé composé form of verbs such as dire, écrire, conseiller, annoncer, etc.
When I was thirteen…
Quand j’avais treize ans…
The imperfect is also used to refer to one’s age in the past.
When l was at university, I studied Chinese. (or I used to study Chinese.)
Quand j’étais à l’université, j’étudiais le chinois.
Yesterday I studied Chinese.
Hier j’ai étudié le chinois.
I knew the price.
I found out the price.
Je savais le prix.
J’ai su le prix.
They knew Serge.
They met Serge.
Ils connaissaient Serge.
Ils ont connu Serge.
We couldn’t arrive at four o’clock.
Nous ne pouvions pas arriver à 4 h.
Doesn’t say if we arrived by four or not.
Nous n’avons pas pu arriver à 4 h.
We didn’t arrive then.
Laura didn’t want to take the subway.
Laura refused to take the subway.
Laura ne voulait pas prendre le métro.
Maybe she did.
Laura n’a pas voulu prendre le métro.
Didn’t want to and didn’t.
While we were working, Julia slept.
Pendant que nous travaillions, Julie dormait.
Janine was reading while Martha was playing tennis.
Janine lisait pendant que Marthe jouait au tennis.
I ate dinner, got ready, and went to the theater.
J’ai dîné, me suis préparé et suis allé au théâtre.
I don’t remember his name.
Je ne me souviens pas de son nom.
I remember that day.
Je me souviens de ce jour.
This is my book. Where is yours?
C’est mon livre (Ce livre est à moi). Où est le vôtre/le tien?
Her purse is bigger than mine.
Son sac est plus grand que le mien.
My books are more expensive than yours.
Mes livres sont plus chers que les tiens (les vôtres).
Your dog is cuter than ours.
Votre chien est plus mignon que le nôtre.
Our parents are dead. And theirs?
Nos parents sont morts. Et les leurs?
My sisters speak French. Do his speak it also?
Mes sœurs parlent français. Les siennes le parlent aussi?
all day long
toute la journée
every day
chaque jour, tous les jours
They all know how to drive.
Ils savent tous conduire.
I spend all my time here.
Je passe tout mon temps ici.
He thinks he knows everything.
Il pense tout savoir.
They can do everything.
Ils peuvent tout faire.
Is everyone here?
Tout le monde est là?
We ate them all.
Nous les avons tous mangés.
We ate everything.
Nous avons tout mangé.
He studies every evening.
Il étudie tous les soirs.
He’s leaving immediately.
Il part tout de suite.
After all, he’s not perfect.
Après tout, il n’est pas parfait.
Suddenly I saw a car.
Tout à coup j’ai vu une voiture.
Go straight ahead.
Allez tout droit.
You are entirely correct.
Vous avez tout à fait raison.
See you in a little while.
A tout à l’heure.
We’re going out in a little while.
Nous sortons tout à l’heure.
I saw him a little while ago.
Je l’ai vu tout à l’heure.
We’re dying of thirst.
Nous mourons de soif.
They laughed themselves to death.
Ils sont morts de rire.
I’m exhausted to death.
Je meurs de fatigue.
He’s dying to go to France.
Il meurt d’envie d’aller en France.
We’re going to die of boredom.
On va mourir d’ennui.
Nous allons mourir d’ennui.
She is sitting there.
Elle est assise là-bas.
Elle s’assied …
That’s a beautiful leather bag.
C’est un beau sac en cuir.
What are you going to order?
Que vas-tu commander?
Qu’allez-vous commander?
They always order the same thing.
Ils commandent toujours la même chose.
The dog swallowed the pill.
Le chien a avalé la pilule (le comprimé).
To your health!
A votre santé.
How about we get a drink?
On prend un verre?
Si on prenait un verre?
We spent a lot of time doing it.
Nous avons passé beaucoup de temps à le faire.