Lesson 13 Part 2 Flashcards
Autonomic nervous system that stimulates the adrenergic reactions of the sympathetic nervous system
Adrenergic Agonists
Adrenergic agonist is also called
Three types of adrenergic agonist
Alpha and beta adrenergic agonist
Alpha-specific adrenergic agonist
Beta-specific adrenergic agonist
These agents are commonly used for treatment glaucoma, asthma, and shock
Adrenergic agonists
An eye condition characterized by increased intraocular pressure
These agonist help dilate pupils
Alpha adrenergic agonist
Commonly caused by acute blood loss that can significantly alter the functions of the organs and tissues
A hypersensitivity reaction to specific triggers characterized by inflammatory reactions
Drugs that are generally sympathomimetic
Alpha and beta adrenergic agonists
Stimulate all the adrenergic receptors so they affect both alpha and beta receptors
Aplha and beta adrenergic receptors
Example of alpha and beta adrenergic agonists
Breakdown of the glucose
A naturally occuring catecholamines for shock
Synthetic catecholamines indicated for treatment for heart failure
Stimulates release of norepinephrine from nerve endings
It is found in OTC allergy and cold preparations
Drugs that bind primarily to apha-receptors rather than to beta- receptors
Alpha-specific adrenergic agonists
Oras drugs used to treat orthostatic hypotension
Example of alpha specific adrenergic agonist
Binds primarily to beta receptors rather than to alpha receptors
Beta specific adrenergic agonist
Acting on the adrenergic receptors of the target organs
Alpha and beta adrenergic agonists
Acting as a powerful postsynaptic causing vasoconstriction and raising systolic and diastolic
Alpha specific adrenergic agonists
Acts to produce increased heart rate, positive inotrophic effect, bronchodilation,and vasodilation
Beta-specific adrenergic agonists
Indications are to treat bronchial spasms, asthma, and copd
Beta-specific adrenergic agonists
Another term for adrenergic antagonists
They lyse, or block, the effects of the sympathetic nervous system
Adrenergic antagonist
Adrenergic antagonists have classification
Non-selective adrenergic antagonist
Non-selective alpha adrenergic antagonist
Non-selective beta adrenergic antagonist
Selective alpha adrenergic antagonist
Selective beta adrenergic antagonist
Antagonist used to treat cardiac related condition
Non-selective adrenergic antagonist
Used to treat CV and to prevent infarction after MI
Non-selective beta adrenergic antagonist
Can improve urine flow in male patients
Selective alpha adrenergic antagonist
More advantageous than non-selective beta blockers because they dont block beta2 receptors allowing bronchodilation
Selective beta adrenergic antagonist
Antagonists that block all the receptors
Non-selective adrenergic blocking agents
Antagonist drugs with specific affinity for alpha-receptors
Non-selective alpha andrenergic blocking agents
Antagonist drugs with specific affinity for alpha1-receptors
Alpha1-selective andrenergic blocking agents
Examples of Non-selective Alpha andrenergic blocking agents
Drugs that block the beta receptors within the SNS
Non-selective beta andrenergic blocking agents
Used for reduction of intraocular pressure in patients with open angle coma
Do not block the beta1- receptor responsible for bronchodilation
Selective beta andrenergic blocking agents
Drug controls hypertension and epidural infusion for patients with cancer pain