Lesson 13 Flashcards
Are autonomic nervous sytem drugs that stimulate the adrenergic receptors
Adrenergic agonists
Adrenergic agonist are classified into three:
Alpha and Beta adrenergic agonist
Alpha-specific adrenergic agonist
Beta-specific adrenergic agonist
An eye condition characterized by increased in intraocular pressure
This agonist help in dilating the pupils
Alpha adrenergic agonists
A complication caused by acute blood loss that can significantly alter the functions of the organs and tissues
A hypersensitivity reaction to specific triggers characterized by inflammatory reactions and bronchospasm
Adrenergic agonist is also called as
Example drugs of the alpha and beta adrenergic agonist
A naturally occuring catecholamine
Synthetic catecholamines indicated for treatment of heart failure
Stimules release of norepinephrine from nerve endings
Drugs that bind primarily to alpha receptors rather than beta receptors
Alpha-specific adrenergic agonists
Oral drugs used to treat orthostatic hypertension
Drugs that bind primarily to beta receptors rather than alpha receptors
Beta-specific adrenergic agonist
Referred to as symphatolytics
Adrenergic antagonists
They lyse, or block, the effects of the sympatetic nervous system
Adrenergic antagonists
Primarily used to treat cardiac related conditions
Non-selective adrenergic Antagonist
Five andrenergic antagonist
Non-selective adrenergic antagonist
Non-selective alpha adrenergic antagonist
Non-selective beta adrenergic antagonist
Selective alpha adrenergic antagonist
Selective beta adrenergic antagonist
It can improve urine flow in male patients and are used as treatment for benign hypertrophy
Selective alpha1-receptor adrenergic antagonists
Used to treat cv and prevent infarction after MI
Non-selective beta adrenergic antagonist
More advantageous than non-selective beta blockers, allow bronchodilation
Non-selective beta adrenergic antagonist
It block all the receptors (alpha and beta)
Non-selective adrenergic blocking agents
Drugs with specific affinity for alpha-receptor sites
Non-selective alpha-adrenergic blocking agents
Drugs that have affinity for alpha1-receptor sites
Alpha-selective adrenergic blocking agents
Drugs that block the beta-receptors within the CNS
Non-selective beta andrenergic blocking agents
Drugs that do not block the beta receptors responsible for bronchodilation
Beta-selective adrenergic blocking agents
In non-selective alpha-adrenergic blocking agents, the drugs used is