lesson 10 Flashcards
Body representations
include a set of interconnections functions which support
body representations functions support
The perception and localization of somatic stimuli (somatosensation)
Motor planning and execution
Body awareness
body representations depends
on multisensory integration of visual, somatosensory, proprioceptive and vestibular information
According to the classical definition by Head and Holmes, 1911 our
body representations” is constituted by:
Body schema (postural schema)
Body image (superficial schema)
Body image (superficial schema)
an explicit representation of the shape and position of body parts allows for the deliberate localization of tactile stimuli and supports the explicit sense of belonging and evaluation of body or its parts
Body schema (postural schema)
a postural-proprioceptive implicit representation, the individual is not aware of (impossible to verbalize), constantly updated, responsible for controlling posture and guiding actions
the somatosensory system is part of the
sensory system
The somatosensory pathway carries information about:
Exteroceptive information, Interoceptive information, temperature, pain, etc
Interoceptive information
originated within the body –> Relative position of body parts, position of body in space, etc.
Exteroceptive information
originated outside the body –> touch, pressure, vibration, etc.
Somatosensory pathway
skin/muscles/tendons/joints –>
brainstem and cerebellum –>
thalamus (decussation at medulla) –>
primary somatosensory cortex (SI) in parietal lobes –>
posterior parietal areas (associative areas)
nerve fibers cross their side at the level of medulla
S1 (post-central gyrus) somatotopically organized
body areas are represented on the cortex corresponding to the receptor density
conscious somatosensory
tactility, pain, temperature
unconscious neuromuscular
unconscious proprioception
conscious proprioception
joint position sense, kinanesthesia, force/tensile sense
unconscious proprioception
posture/balance, joint stability, feed-forward control
carries information regarding the relative and reciprocal position in space of body parts, allowed by mechanosensory neurons (receptors) located within muscles, tendons and joints
conscious and unconscious information
The vestibular system
creates a sense of balance and spatial orientation for the purpose of coordinating movement with balance
Vestibular pathway
ears –>
vestibular nuclei (brainstem) –>
thalamus and cerebellum –>
posterior insula and secondary somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe
At the cortical level, vestibular information is
integrated with somatosensation and proprioception, contributing to body representation
Bodily Illusions
Demonstrate the importance of multisensory integration to maintain a ‘heathy’ (useful) representation of our body/body parts
When a conflict between sensory information from different sensory channels is generated
representations get disorganized
representations get disorganized
When a conflict between sensory information from different sensory channels is generated
pinocchio illusion is a conflict between
tactile and proprioceptive information
pinocchio illusion
the blindfolded participant sits at a table, keeping her finger on the nose while her biceps is stimulated
the participant feels as if her nose is changing (getting longer)
Rubber Hand Illusion conflict between
vision and proprioception generated by a synchronous visuo-tactile stimulation on one hand
Rubber Hand Illusion
Participants report experiences of ownership over a fake hand –> subjective ownership over one’s body can be easily disrupted
Sense of ownership
impression/sensation that I own a specific body part
sense of ownership depends on
the spatial contiguity between that part and the rest of the body
sense of ownership can be
extended to instruments (ex: tennis racket) and protheses
sense of ownership includes
the phenomenon that enables the brain to consider an external object ‘as if’ it is a body part
sense of ownership thoughts and changes
I experience sense of ownership and agency over it
It becomes part of my body schema
The space around it becomes part of my peri-personal space
Plasticity of the peri-personal space
personal space, peri-personal, extra-personal space
Personal space
Peri-personal space
the close extra-personal space: reachable, where to act
The peri-personal space is coded in specific
fronto-parietal networks able to integrate sensory stimuli in different modalities (visual, auditory, tactile) depending on their location
Extra-personal space
the distance extra-personal space (navigation, locomotion)
Sense of agency
impression/sensation that I control that specific body part
sense of agency depends on the
temporal relationship (causality) between motor command and sensory feedback
sense of agency can be
extended to instruments (ex: tennis racket) and protheses
Fully Body Illusion
The conflict between proprioceptive, tactile, visual, and vestibular information can even generate ‘full body illusions’,
i.e. mis-location of one’s body in space
Humans normally experience the conscious self
as localized within their bodily borders