association cortex Flashcards
Interaction with the environment requires the integration of different aspects of experience including:
Sensory input
Visual input
Tactile input
Auditory input
Gustatory and olfactory input
Body-related information
Mental state
Mental state
memory, intentions, affectivity
Body-related information
proprioception and information related to position in space
interaction with environment requires a
hierarchical processing of information, stating from elementary aspects (color, orientation of contours) up to generation of complex percepts
Organization of cerebral cortex reflex hierarchically need – traditionally the following:
“primary” areas –> Unimodal associative areas –> Multimodal associative are
“primary” areas
(primary somatosensory cortex, primary auditory cortex, etc) where…
The perception of elementary characteristics of stimuli occurs or
From where the chain of neurons that leads to the contraction of muscle groups originates
Unimodal associative areas
(ex. V2) where information, related to the same sensory modality, converges, but conveys information that is different from each other (ex. Contour and color)
Multimodal associative area
where information related to different sensory modalities and mental state converge which allows complex behaviors to be enacted
Three main associative areas can be recognized:
Anterior (prefrontal cortex)
Posterior (temporo-parietal-occipital cortex)
limbic system