Lesson 1 - Meaning and Concepts of History Flashcards
origin of the word history
meaning of historia
inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation
famous historians
- Herodotus
- Thucydides
lifespan of Herodotus
484-425/413 BCE
Greek writer and geographer credited with being the first historian
first grand narrative of Herodotus
considered the founding work of history in Western literature
Herodotus was marked as ____
Father of History
What did Thucydides write?
History of the Peloponnesian War
set a standard scope, concision, and accuracy that defines the text of the historical genre
History of the Peloponnesian War
What is the history of the Peloponnesian War about?
conflict between the Peloponnesian League and the Delian League
Peloponnesian League
Delian League
What is history?
- scientific research or inquiry
- study of past events
- man-his-story
- “Queen” or “Mother” of all social sciences
According to Carr, what reflects when we answer the question “What is history?”
consciously or unconsciously reflects our own position in time and forms part of our answer to the broader question what view we take of the society in which we live in
What is historical fact according to Carr?
- The backbone of History
- A historian’s priori decision
refers to as a common sense view, and sometimes rely on the interpretation from the auxiliary sciences of History
The backbone of History
the historian necessarily becomes selective of his gathered facts
A historian’s priori decision
What are the three (3) points to ponder on how to critique if facts are historical facts according to Carr?
- … study the historian before you begin to study the facts
- … have an imaginative mind, to understand the minds of the people with whom he is dealing
- … possible to study History through the limelight of the present
What is the new definition of History Carr proposed?
History is a continuous process between the historian and his facts, an unending dialogue between the present and the past
11 Nature of History
- A study of the present in light of the past
- History is the study of man
- History is concerned with man in time
- History is concerned with man in space
- Objective record of happenings
- Multisided
- History is a dialogue between the events of the past and progressively emerging future ends
- Not only narration but also analysis
- Continuity and coherence are the necessary requisites of History
- Relevant
- Comprehensiveness
- present has evolved out of the past
- modern history enables us to understand how society has come to its present form
A study of the present in light of the past
- history deals with man’s struggle through the ages
- history is not static
History is the study of man
- deals with a series of events, and each event occurs at a given point in time
History is concerned with man in time
- history is the process of human development in time
- it is time that affords a perspective to events and lends a charm that brightens up the past
History is concerned with man in time
- the interaction of man on the environment and vice versa is a dynamic one.
History is concerned with man in space
- history describes nations and human activities in the context of their physical and geographical environment.
History is concerned with man in space
- every precaution is taken to base the data on original sources and make them free from subjective interpretation
Objective record of happenings
- it helps in a clear understanding of the past and enables us to make well-informed decisions
Objective record of happenings
- all aspects of the life of a social group are closely interrelated,
- historical happenings cover all these aspects of life
- not limited only to the political aspect that had so long dominated history
- the historian’s interpretation of the past, his selection of the significant and the relevant events, evolves with the progressive emergence of new goals
History is a dialogue between the events of the past and progressively emerging future ends
- the general law regulating historical happenings may not be considered enough; attempts have to be made to predict future happenings based on the laws
History is a dialogue between the events of the past and progressively emerging future ends
- the selected happenings are not merely narrated; the causal relationships between them are properly unearthed
Not only narration but also analysis
- the tracing of these relationships leads to the development of general laws that are also compared and contrasted with similar happenings in other social groups to improve the reliability and validity of these laws
Not only narration but also analysis
- History carries the burden of human progress as it is passed down from generation to generation, from society to society, justifying the essence of continuity
Continuity and coherence are the necessary requisites of History
- In the study of History, only those events are included, which are relevant to the understanding of the present life
- History is not confined to one period or country or nation
- It also deals with all aspects of human life-political, social, economic, religious, literary, aesthetic and physical, giving a clear sense of world unity
an expert who studies and writes about the past
the methodical analysis of the sources and synthesis of the materials being interpreted
historical method
diagnostic device or cross-examination to test the reliability and credibility of a piece of evidence
historical criticism
Eight (8) Concepts of History
- Continuity and Change
- Cause and Effect
- Sources/Evidences
- Significance
- Framework
- Context/Perspective
- Empathy
- Contestability
- static, change nature and pace
- similarities and differences
Change and Continuity
- long and short term
- multiple factors
- social, economic, political
- intended and unintended
Cause and Effect
- dependent on a range of factors- age, gender, experience, social position, beliefs, etc.
- view and position
- sources - primary and secondary
- refute and support claims, evaluation, interrogation and bias
- positive/negative effects
- degrees of importance
- remembered
- commemorated
- brought change
- contextual knowledge
- personal narratives
- grounded inevidence
- perspectives
- motivations
- interpretation, purpose, and perspective
- choice and use of sources
- context validity
checks the reliability or veracity (correctness) of the source or evidence by evaluating its author’s background, the title of the evidence, the date and place of publication, and so on
External (lower) criticism
judges credibility or validity (trustworthiness) by attributing a moral value to the piece of evidence or source
Internal criticism
the historian proceeds to the shifting, grouping, arrangement, generalization, and organization of the facts gathered to form a connected and related knowledge
Synthesis (Reporting)
How are the facts presented in synthesis?
logical, narrative form
What are the three (3) stages of how history of the Philippines has been written
- Our image of ourselves and our past was shaped mainly by the colonizer’s writings, disregarding the sufferings of their colonies.
- Filipino historians consciously set themselves the task of writing from the Filipino point of view where the role Filipinos played in their history were emphasized.
- The writing of the nation’s history from the point of view of the Filipino people.
What is the root word of kasaysayan?
means “sense” or “meaning”
saysay + yan
the act of conveying words of importance or sense
ka + saysayan
- implies a connection of interaction or relationship
- being a part of something
- doing something together
nasa panloob na pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng mga katangian, halagahin, kaalaman, karunungan, hangarin, kaugalian, pag-aasal, at karanasan ng isang kabuuang pangkalinangan
Pantayong Pananaw
Who gave the definition of Pantayong Pananaw
Dr. Zeus A. Salazar
Four (4) different perspectives in writing the history of the Filipinos
- Pangkaming Pananaw
- Pansilang Pananaw
- Pangkayong Pananaw
- Pantayong Pananaw
From Us - For You
Pangkaming Pananaw
From Them - For Them
Pansilang Pananaw
From Them - For Us
Pangkayong Pananaw
From Us - For Us
Pantayong Pananaw
Who said that Philippine History is a people’s history?
Renato Constantino
What is history according to Renato Constantino?
History is a people’s history. It is a recorded struggle of the people for ever-increasing freedom and newer and higher realization of the human person
Year that Renato Constantino defined history