Group 1 - Colonial Motives of Spain & Early Expeditions to the Philippines Flashcards
Prince Henry of Portugal is also known as ___
Henry the Navigator
lifespan of Henry the Navigator
In 1445, Henry the Navigator appealed to ___ ___ __
Pope Nicholas V
What did Henry the Navigator promise?
spread the Christian faith to non-believers
What did Pope Nicholas V issue?
papal bull
papal bull that gave Portugal title to all African territories that has been acquired and will be acquired in the future
Romanus Pontifex
What would happen if one would go against the Portugal’s right?
would be excommunicated from the church
- adventurous entrepreneur and navigator
- persuaded the king and queen to fund his expedition to locate a western route to Asia
Christopher Columbus
Who were the people that Christopher Columbus persuade to fund his expedition?
- King Ferdinand II of Aragon
- Queen Isabella of Castile
King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile is from the Kingdom of ___
Where is Christopher Columbus from?
lifespan of Christopher Columbus
Why did the Spain sponsor Columbus?
- in return for the gold, spices, and riches that he might find
- spreading of Christianity
Why did the Portugal not sponsor Columbus?
- thought he was a fool
- believed Columbus had miscalculated the distance of the trip
series of papal bull that confirmed Spain’s title to Columbus’ discovered lands
Inter Caetera
Who issued the papal bull “Inter Caetera”?
Pope Alexander VI
Papal Bull “Inter Caetera” is also known as “__ __ __”
Doctrine of Discovery
What is the papa bull “Inter Caetera”?
- established a demarcation line
Where is the demarcation line established by the “Inter Caetera” located?
One hundred (100) leagues west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands
What is the demarcation line established by the “Inter Caetera” for?
- assigned Spain exclusive right to acquire territorial possessions and trade in all lands WEST of that line
- assigned Portugal dominion over all of undiscovered lands EAST of the line
When was the papal bull “Inter Caetera” issued?
May 4, 1493
First Bull
recognized King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella’s title to Columbus’ discovered new land area and new people
Second Bull
conversion of the native inhabitants to Christianity
an agreement between Spain and Portugal’s monarchies to settle conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other later 15th century voyagers
Treaty of Tordesillas
Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World by drawing an imaginary in the Atlantic Ocean about ________
370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands
When was the Treaty of Tordesillas agreed?
June 7, 1494
Where was the manuscript of the Treaty of Tordesillas placed?
How many piles does the Treaty of Tordesillas have?
4 Piles (8 sheets)
Measurements of the sheets of the Treaty of Tordesillas
330mm x 250mm
- organized the first circumnavigation of the globe
- born from a family whose father was a minor member of the Portuguese nobility
Fernão de Magalhães (Portuguese) or
Fernando de Magallanes (Spanish)
What did Ferdinand Magellan discover when he organized the first circumnavigation of the globe?
- Strait of Magellan
- Guam
- Mariana Islands
- Philippine Islands
Where did Ferdinand Magellan enlist?
7th Portuguese India Armada
How long did Ferdinand Magellan remain in the 7th Portuguese India Armada?
8 years
Who rejected Ferdinand Magellan multiple times?
King Manuel I of Portugal
named as a co-captain alongside Magellan by the time they received the letter of authorization
Ruy de Faleiro
Where was Ruy de Faleiro born?
Covilhã, Portugal
Who were the people that Ruy de Faleiro served as a page alongside Magellan?
Queen Eleanor
King John II
What was Magellan and Faleiro’s proposal?
Sail westward, around South America to seek a new commercial route to the Spice Islands of Makulu
How many occasions did King Manuel I rejected Magellan’s proposal?
3 separate occasions
What are the terms of agreement with King Charles?
- receiving a monopoly of the discovered route for ten (10) years
- receiving a fifth of riches obtained on the voyage
- authorization to become “sea-captains” during their journey
Who was instructed to write the letter of authorization that is to be given to Magellan and Faleiro?
Francisco de los
Cobos y Molina
What were the assigned ships for the expedition of Magellan?
- Trinidad
- Victoria
- Concepción
- Santiago
- San Antonio
What is the name of the ship where Magellan is captain?
How many crew members were with Magellan?
approx. 270
Lifespan of Ferdinand Magellan
1480 - 1521
- descendant of a family of Vicenza who claimed Venetian citizenship
- member of knights and rhodes
- diplomatic and served duties in papal service
Antonio Pigafetta
lifespan of Antonio Pigafetta
When did Ruy de Faleiro die?
Antonio Pigafetta was a member of __ __ __
Knights of Rhodes
How did Antonio Pigafetta hear about Magellan enterprise?
When he accompanied Leo X
When did Antonio Pigafetta hear about the Magellan enterprise?
Why did Antonio Pigafetta volunteer for Magellan’s voyage?
craving for experience and glory
When did Antonio Pigafetta return home after completing the circumnavigation?
What fleet did Antonio Pigafetta ride on returning home?
What was the use of Antonio Pigafetta?
used in communication with the indigenous people in negotiating
- trades
- ceremonial visits
- others
What made Antonio Pigafetta a sponge in quality information?
learned native dialects of places they gone
What did Antonio Pigafetta bring back with him from the voyage?
most valuable narrative of voyage in his journal
Places in the first voyage around the world
- Zamal (Samar)
- Humunu (Homonhon Island)
- Mazaua (Limasawa Island)
- Zubu (Cebu)
- Matan (Mactan)
Homonhon Island
Limasawa Island
When did the Spanish navigators come upon on Zamal?
March 16, 1521
What was the first island mention in Antonio Pigafetta’s relation?
Zamal (Samar)
What is the name of the second island that the voyage went?
Humunu (Homonhon Island)
Who did they meet in Humunu?
- Raia Colambu
- Raia Siaui
Who acted as interpreter in Magellan’s expedition?
Enrique of Malacca, his Malay slave
Who is the fleet chaplain of Magellan’s expedition?
Father Pedro de Valderrama
Who is Magellan’s brother-in-law that went with him in his expedition?
Duarte de Barbosa
What did the captain-general present the people of Humunu with?
- red caps
- mirrors
- combs
- bells
- ivory
- bacasine
What are the things the Spaniard received as an exchange for what they presented?
- fish
- palm of wine (uraca)
- bananas
- two cocoanuts
What did the Spaniards call the Humunu Island?
Acquada da li buoni segnialli
What does “Acquada da li buoni segnialli” mean?
The Watering Place of Good Signs
What did the Spaniards call the Humunu Islands besides “Acquada da li buoni segnialli”?
Archipelago of San Lazaro
Where did the voyage go after Humunu?
Mazaua (Limasawa Island)
Where did the first mass happen?
Mazaua (Limasawa Island)
When did the first mass happen?
March 31, 1521 (Easter Sunday)
Who conducted the first mass?
Father Pedro de Valderrama
As a token that they had gone to Limasawa, what was erected?
The people of Limasawa worshipped nothing but they raised their hands to the sky that they call ___
god Abba
The island does not have enough food yet they mention three names. What are those?
- Ceylon (Leyte)
- Zubu (Cebu)
- Calaghan
What is the largest and with most trade?
How long did the expedition stay in Mazaua?
7 days
From Mazaua to Zubu, what places did they pass through?
- Ceylon (Leyte)
- Bohol
- Canigham
- Baybai
- Gatighan
When did the expedition come to the port of Zubu?
April 7, 1521
What is the purpose why they went to Zubu?
Visit the king and buy food with their merchandise
In contrast to their purpose in going to Zubu, what happened?
Their arrival brought commotion but was soon settled
How did they settle the commotion in Zubu?
through a sanduguan (blood compact)
When did the sanduguan happen?
April 8, 1521 (morning)
After the settlement in Zubu, what happened when the prince and the chiefs came to their ships?
The captain-general taught them about Christianity and their faith
Who is the prince of Zubu?
King’s nephew
What did the prince of Zubu give the captain-general?
- basket of rice
- swine
What did the captain-general give the prince of Zubu?
- white cloth of the finest linen
What was tasked to Pigafetta to deliver?
present to the King of Zubu which are
- silk robe
- fine red cap
When did the baptismal mass in Zubu happen?
April 14, 1521 (morning)
How many natives where baptized in Zubu?
800 natives
Baptismal name of Raia Humabon
Don Carlo
Who is the king of Zubu?
Raia Humabon
Baptismal name of the prince
Don Fernando
Baptismal name of the Raia Colambu
Baptismal name of the Queen of Zubu
Baptismal name of a chief
Baptismal name of the Moro
Baptismal name of the wife of prince
Baptismal name of Queen of Mazaua
What are the villages in Zubu?
- Cinghapola
- Mandaui
- Lalan
- Lalutan
- Cilumai
- Lubucun
Chiefs of Cinghapola
- Cilaton
- Ciguibucan
- Cimaningha
- Cimatichat
- Cicanbul
Chief of Mandaui
Chief of Lalan
Chief of Lalutan
Island near Zubu
Matan (Mactan)
Chiefs of Matan
- Zula
- Cilapulapu
When did Zula send one of his sons to present two goats to the captain-general?
April 26, 1521 (Friday)
Why was the son not able to send gifts to the captain-general?
Because of Cilapulapu
When did the Battle of Mactan start?
April 27, 1521
Who was the interpreter and slave of Magellan that was not freed and was threatened to be flogged if he would go ashore?
What did Henrich do even when he was threatened?
Did not follow the order and went to the king and arranged a plot
When did the king invite the commanders to get the jewels he promised to send to the King of Spagnia?
May 1, 1521 (morning)
How many men went to get the jewel and dine with the king of Matan?
24 men
Why did Pigafetta not join the banquet?
He was injured
What happened to the men that went to the banquet?
Who won in the battle of Mactan?
group of Cilapulapu
In exchange of the merchandises, what did the Spaniards ask the people of Matan after the battle?
body of Magellan
Why did they refuse to give Magellan’s body?
keep it as memorial
Who were chosen to be the commanders of the flagship?
- Duarte Barboza
- Johan Seranno
What is the name of the astrologer that is one of the 24 men who went ashore?
San Martin de Sivilla
Who declined to Johan Serrano’s request to be redeemed through their merchandise?
Johan Carvaio
treaty that defined the areas of Castilian and Portuguese influence in Asia to resolve the “Moluccas issue”
Treaty of Zaragoza
National Historical Commission of the Philippines
When did the NHCP dismiss the Butuan claim and reaffirmed Limasawa as the site of the first mass in the country?
April 20, 2020
What barangay was recognized as the specific location in Limasawa where the first mass happened?
Barangay Tiana
Site where the cross in Limasawa was planted
Saub point
When did both kingdoms of Spain and Portugal organize the Junta de Bajadoz-Elvas to resolve the Moluccas Issue?
What did the kingdoms organize to resolve the Moluccas Issue?
Junta de Bajadoz-Elvas
What is the issue to be resolved in the Junta de Bajadoz-Elvas?
find the exact location of Tordesillas’ antemeridian
To ease an agreement on the Moluccas, Charles V’s younger sister ___ __ ___ married ___ ___ __ ___.
Catherine of Austria
John III of Portugal
Treaty of Zaragoza is also called the ___ __ ___
Capitulation of Zaragoza
When was the Treaty of Zaragoza signed?
April 22, 1529
Who signed the Treaty of Zaragoza?
- King John III of Portugal and
- Castilian emperor Charles V
Where was the Treaty of Zaragoza signed?
Aragonese city of Zaragoza
What did the Treaty of Zaragoza grant to Portugal?
- sovereignty over the Moluccas
- navigation rights
- trade
How much did Portugal agree to pay to purchase the Spanish rights?
350, 000 ducats
The Treaty of Zaragoza provided an ____ to the line established by the 1494 Treaty.
Who ordered the Mexican Viceroy Luis de Velasco to prepare an expedition for the Philippines’ conquest and colonization?
King Philipp II of Spain
Because the Mexican Viceroy died, the commander of the expedition was given to who?
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
Who accompanied Legazpi acting as the chief pilot?
Fr. Andres de Urdaneta
Who is Legazpi’s grandson that accompanied him?
Captain Felipe de Salcedo
Who is the survivor of the Villalobos expedition that accompanied Legazpi?
Guido de Lavezaris
Who is Legazpi’s son and fleet accountant that accompanied him?
Melchor de Legazpi
How many Augustinian missionaries accompanied Legazpi?
When did Legazpi arrive the Philippines?
When did Legazpi anchor near the island of Cebu?
February 13, 1565
When did Legazpi sail to Samar
February 22, 1565
Who welcomed Legazpi in Samar?
Chief Urrao
When did Legazpi land in Limasawa?
March 9, 1565
Who hospitably received Legazpi in Limasawa?
Chief Bankaw
What are the main specific instructions of the King of Spain to Legazpi?
- shall proceed in search of and to discover the Western islands situated toward Malucos but not enter Malucos
- labor for the evangelization of the natives
- ascertain the products of the islands
- discover the new route to New Spain
What is the name of the flagship where Legazpi will embark?
Sant Felipe
Who is the master-of-camp along Legazpi?
Captain Mateo Del Saz
Who were the native kings that Legazpi made a blood compact after befriending them?
When did Legazpi make a blood compact with Sikatuna and Sigala
March 1565
Legazpi’s first duty is to appoint:
- Pilots
- Masters
- Boatswains
- Notaries
- Artillery officers
Who shall not accompany Legazpi’s fleet?
- useless person
- Indians or Negroes (beyond a dozen for servants)
- women
When did Legazpi sail to Cebu?
April 27, 1565
Who defied the Spaniards in Cebu?
Chief Tupas
Where is the first established Spanish settlement?
What did the Spaniards name Cebu?
Villa del Santisimo Nombre de Jesus
What does “Villa del Santisimo Nombre de Jesus” mean
City of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Why did they name Cebu “Villa del Santisimo Nombre de Jesus”?
they found an image of Sto. Niño in one of the native houses
When did Legazpi and Tupas conclude a treaty with the condition that he and the other datus recognize Spanish sovereignty and friendship?
June 4, 1565
When did the Spaniards transfer to Panay?
Why did the Spaniards transfer from Cebu to Panay?
scarcity of food provisions
Where did the Spaniards transfer to when they did not have enough food in Cebu?
Where did the Spaniards establish a second settlement?
bank of Panay River
When did Legazpi dispatch Martin de Goiti to explore the northern region?
Who did Legazpi dispatch to explore the northern region?
Martin de Goiti
Why did Legazpi dispatch Martin de Goiti to the northern region?
he heard of Luzon’s riches
Where did de Goiti land?
How many people were with de Goiti when he landed in Batangas to explore the area?
120 Spaniards
600 Visayans (from Cebu and Panay Islands)
When did de Goiti arrive in Manila Bay?
May 8, 1570
Who did they ally with in Manila Bay?
Raja Soliman
Raja Soliman is a vassal under who?
vassal under the Sultan of Brunei
When did Goiti and his men capture Maynilad and Soliman?
May 24, 1570
What did Raja Soliman do regarding the Spaniards?
refused to submit to Spanish vassalage and defended his area from them
When did Legazpi follow Goiti and Salcedo to Maynilad?
May 1571
What did Legazpi do in Maynilad when he got there?
formed a peace pact with the natives and the local rulers
Who are the local rulers Legazpi made peace pact with in Maynilad?
Rajah Suleiman
Lakan Dula
- a Pampango warlord
- rallied the warriors from different towns to resist Spanish invaders’ resistance
When did Bambalito battle with the Spaniards?
June 3, 1571
Where did Bambalito’s war boats sail down to go to Goiti’s forces?
Channel of Bankusay, off the north shore of Manila Bay
When did Legazpi proclaim Maynilad as the island’s capital and seat of the Spanish government in East Indies?
June 24, 1571
What did King Philip II name Manila?
Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad
When did King Philip II name Manila as “Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad”?
June 1, 1574
What does “Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad” mean?
Distinguished and Ever Loyal City
Route of Legazpi to be taken on the westward
- Island of Nublada
- Rosa Partida
- Island Los Reyes
- Coral Islands
- Philippines
Pope Alexander VI real name
Rodrigo Borgia