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> Legislation, Powers And Policy > Flashcards
Legislation, Powers And Policy Flashcards
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(50 decks)
Research methods P2
Approaches P2
Psychopathology P1
memory - explanations for forgetting P1
memory - types of long term memory
memory - multi-store model of memory and the working model of memory
memory - eyewitness testimony
Social Influence - Conformity P1
Social Influence - Obedience
Social Influence - resistance to social influence
Social Influence - Minority influence
Social Influence - Social Change
Attachment - 1 P1
Attachment - animal studies
Attachment - learning theory and Bowlby's montrophic theory
Attachment - strange situation
Attachment - Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation
Attachment - Influences of early attachment on childhood and adulthood
Biopsychopatholgy Year 1 P2
Psychopathology - definitions of abnormality P1
Research Methods Year 2 P2
Approaches Year 2
1/ Gender - sex role stereotypes & androgyny P3
2/ Gender - Biological explanation
3/ Gender - Atypical sex and chromosomes patterns
4/ Gender - cognitive explanations
5/ Gender - Psychodynamic explanation
6/ Gender - SLT explanation
7/ Gender - The influence of culture on gender roles
8/ Gender- The influence of media on gender roles
9/ Gender - Atypical gender development: Biological and Social explanations
Biopsychology year 2 P2 // The Brain
Biopsychology year 2 P2 // Ways of studying the brain
Biopsychology year 2 P2 //Biological rhythms
Biopsychology year 2 P2 // Endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers
1/ Agression - Neural and hormonal mechanisms
2/ Agression - Ethological and evolutionary explanations
3/ Agression - Social psychological explanations
4/ Agression - Institutional aggression
5/ Agression - Media influences
1/ Issues and Debates - issues: gender bias, cultural bias and ethical implications
2/ Issues and Debates - debates: free will-determinism, nature-nurture, holism-reductionism & ideographic-nomotheic
1/ Eating behaviours - Explanations for food preferences
2/ Eating behaviours - Neural and hormonal mechanisms in the control of eating behaviour
3/ Eating Behaviours - Biological explanations for anorexia
4/ Eating Behaviours - Psychological explanations for anorexia
5/ Eating Behaviours - Biological explanations for obesity
6/ Eating Behaviours - Psychological explanations for obesity
7/ Eating behaviours - explanations for success and failure of dieting
Legislation, Powers And Policy