Attachment - strange situation Flashcards
what are the 3 types of attachments?
- secure attachment
- insecure avoidant
- insecure resistant
what Is meant by a secure attachment?
- like to be physically close and use caregiver as a secure base
- show some distress when separated
- show pleasure when reunited with them
- can develop good later relationships
what is meant by a insecure avoidant attachment?
- happy with/without caregiver
- little distress when caregiver goes
- usually develops due to caregiver ignoring infant
what is meant by a insecure resistant attachment?
- show extreme distress when away from caregiver
- when reunited they show a anger towards caregiver
- develops because caregiver is inconsistent
who investigated into the different types of attachment?
Ainsworth - strange situation
what was the procedures of Ainsworth research?
100 middle class American mothers took babies in controlled observations - observations were when stranger entered the room, mother left child alone with stranger, mother returned
what were the findings of Ainsworth research?
70% - secure attachment type B
20% - insecure - avoidant type A
10% - insecure - resistant type C
what is a strength of Ainsworths FINDINGD AND CONCLUSIONS?
high inter-observer reliability - ratings made by all observers were very similar - conclusions are accepted as being consistent
what is a criticism of Ainsworths FINDINGD AND CONCLUSIONS?
later studies using the strange situation found a 4th type of attachment - insecure disorganised - reduces the confidence we have in Ainsworth original findings
what is a practical application of Ainsworths FINDINGD AND CONCLUSIONS?
interventions for insecure attachments can help parents understand their child needs - helps child have better life
what is a weakness of using the strange situation? 1
demand characteristics - overt study so mothers may have done things to show they are a good mother e.g. giving baby cues to make it more anxious - not accurate results
what is a weakness of using the strange situation? 2
culturally biased - only applies to middle class American mothers not even fathers
what is a strength of using the strange situation?
led to further reach into attachments - has been used in numerous studies around the world - helps psychologists develop further understanding
who researched cultural variations into attachment?
Van Ljzendoorn
what was Van Ljzendoorn procedures in his study?
conducted a meta-analysis of 32 studies of attachment in 8 different countries
what were the findings of Van Ljzendoorns study?
highest secure - Great Britain lowest secure - China highest avoidant - west Germany lowest avoidant - Japan highest resistant - Japan
what conclusions can be made from Van Ljzendoorn’s study?
secure attachments are the norm in all countries supports the idea attachment is a innate process as suggested by Bowlby
what is a strength of research into cultural variations?
meta analysis of 2000 babies - results very representative - not affected by anomalies
what is a weakness into the research of cultural variations? 1
did not really investigate cultural differences - out of 32 studies 18 were in America - therefore not testing different cultures they are testing different countries but only 8! - not representative
what is a weakness into the research of cultural variations? 2
strange situation is a culturally biased method - ethnocentric because its effectively saying other cultures like Japan are insensitive and poor carers