Lecture 9 2/14/24 Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of the Trichinelloidea superfamily?
-whip-like worms/capillary worms
-anterior end more slender than posterior
-absent/reduced lips and buccal capsule
-esophagus is very long, fine tube
-infect various locations
What are the characteristics of different Trichinelloidea eggs?
-Trichuris eggs have symmetrical polar plugs
-capillary worms have asymmetrical polar plugs
What type of life cycle is seen with Trichinelloidea?
direct lifecycle
Which stage of Trichinelloidea is typically infectious?
L1 larvae inside the egg
What are the characteristics of Trichuris spp.?
-DH is dogs, swine, ruminants, people, maybe cats
-adults 4-8 cm
-PPP 6-12 weeks
What size egg is seen with Trichuris spp. that infect ruminants?
75x35 um
What are the characteristics of Trichuris suis?
-infects pigs
-eggs are 50-60x21-31 um
What are the characteristics of Trichuris vulpis?
-infects dogs
-eggs are 70-90x32-41 um
-clinical signs can appear before a pos. fecal float
How do the clinical signs of Trichuris infection differ between ruminants, pigs, and dogs?
-ruminants rarely have clinical signs
-young pigs can suffer from bloody diarrhea, stunted growth, and anorexia
-dogs can range from asymptomatic to having bloody diarrhea
What are the characteristics of Trichuris vulpis treatment?
-animals should be treated immediately, at 3 weeks, and at 3 months
-eggs are very resilient; important to keep dogs away from contaminated areas
Which clinical signs are associated with small bowel diarrhea?
-normal/moderately increased frequency of defecation
-large volume of feces
Which clinical signs are associated with large bowel diarrhea?
-excessive fecal mucus
-moderate/greatly increased frequency of defecation
-reduced volume of feces
What are the characteristics of the Addisonian-crisis like disease state seen with whipworm infection in dogs?
-dogs cannot regulate salt conc.
-leads to dehydration and worsening condition
-abnormal sodium and potassium values
-normal ACTH stim. test
How is Trichuris vulpis diagnosed?
-fecal float
-stool antigen snap test
-clinical signs
What are the characteristics of Capillarids?
-adults 10-50 mm x <1 mm
-asymmetrical polar plugs on eggs
-eggs 50-80x20-40 um
What are the characteristics of Aonchotheca putorii?
-found in stomach or intestine
-main DH is cats
-eggs 57-66 x 21-28 um
-dark shell with thickened ridges
-males 2.5 to 5.3 mm
-females 3.5 to 7.4 mm
What are the characteristics of Eucoleus aerophilus?
-main DH is dogs
-paratenic hosts are rodents and earthworms
-PPP is 2 months
-eggs 59-80 x 30-40 um
-chronic cough
-diagnosed via fecal float
What are the characteristics of Eucoleus boehmi?
-nasal worm
-main DH is dogs
-sneezing and nasal discharge
-eggs 54-64 x 30-35 um
-PPP of 2 months
What are the characteristics of Pearsonema plica?
-bladder worm
-main DH is dogs
What are the characteristics of Pearsonema feliscati?
-bladder worm
-main DH is cats
-IH is earthworms
-PH thought to be birds
-PPP 2 months
-eggs 58-74 x 23-31 um
-found on urine sedimentation