Lecture 17 4/11/24 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of Hemosporidia?
-live in the hematopoietic system of vertebrates
-indirect life cycles
-transmitted by bloodsucking arthropods (ticks)
-unlimited number of asexual generations
What are the characteristics of Babesia spp.?
-intraerythrocytic parasite
-transmitted by ticks or mixing of blood
Which dog breed often gets Babesia canis?
Which arthropod transmits Babesia canis?
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Which dog breeds often get Babesia gibsoni?
-pit bull terriers
-staffordshire terriers
What are the characteristics of Babesia canis?
-vertebrate host is dogs
-PPP of 1-3 weeks
-spread by Rhipicephalus sanguineus
-5 um
What are the characteristics of Babesia gibsoni?
-vertebrate host is dogs
-PPP of 1-3 weeks
-spread by Rhipicephalus sanguineus
-1.5 to 3 um
How does Babesia cause disease?
-rupture of RBCs leads to intravascular hemolysis and hemolytic anemia
-immune-mediated clearance of parasitized RBCs adds to anemia
-parasitized cells are sequestered in spleen; extravascular and intravascular hemolysis both occur
What are the clinical signs of Babesia?
-hemolytic anemia
-anorexia/weight loss
-inc. pulse and respiration
-splenic and hepatic enlargement
How is Babesia diagnosed?
-PCR and sequencing
-response to treatment
How is Babesia controlled/prevented?
-tick control
-screening blood donors
-discouraging dog fighting and dog-to-dog transmission
Which Babesia spp. is seen in cattle?
B. bigemina
Which Babesia spp. is seen in humans and rodents?
B. microti
Which Babesia spp. are seen in horses?
B. equi
-B. caballi
What are the characteristics of Cytauxzoon felis?
-rapidly fatal disease of domestic cats (DH)
-seen in indoor and outdoor cats anywhere where ticks are present (vector)
-merozoites are 1-2 um and in RBCs
-schizonts are in macrophages
Why can the Cytauxzoon felis schizonts being in macrophages lead to infarcts?
they get too large and form clumps, blocking blood flow
What are the clinical signs of Cytauxzoon felis?
-anorexia and depression
-marked dyspnea
-disseminated intravascular coagulation
-close to 100% fatality
What signs of Cytauxzoon felis are seen at necropsy?
-dark, enlarged spleen
-enlarged, reddened lymph nodes
-lungs that are diffusely reddened, consolidated, and petechiated
How is Cytauxzoon felis diagnosed?
-microscopic diagnosis of piroplasms in erythrocytes
-ID of large schizonts in splenic, lymph node, or bone marrow aspirates/impression smears
-molecular diagnosis/PCR
How is Cytauxzoon felis prevented?
-tick control/tick prevention products
-keep cats indoors
What are the characteristics of Hepatozoon americanum and canium?
-vert. host is dogs/coyotes, raccoons, cats
-inv. host/vector is ticks
-paratenic hosts are mammals with tissue cysts
What are the clinical signs of Hepatozoonosis?
-musculoskeletal disease
-disseminated myositis
-muscle pain
-ocular discharge
-periosteal proliferation
-stiff gait and stance