Lecture 12 3/21/24 Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of mucosoflagellates?
-live in intimate association with a mucus membrane
-pyriform shape
-4 to 8 flagella
-axostyle present
What are the characteristics of giardia?
-DH includes people and many domestic and wild animals
-each animal species has its own giardia species
-live in the small bowel
What are the two stages of the giardia life cycle?
What are the characteristics of the giardia trophozoite?
-2 nuclei
-4 pairs of flagella
-2 axostyles
-stage that attaches to mucosa and causes clinical signs
-motile, but not infectious
What are the characteristics of the giardia cyst?
-4 nuclei
-infective stage
-infectious as soon as it is excreted in environment
What is the pre-patent period for giardia?
5-12 days
How is giardia transmitted?
ingestion of cysts via water, food, fomites, or self-grooming following fecal contamination
What are the clinical signs associated with giardia?
-acute or chronic non-bloody diarrhea
-malabsorptive symptoms
-greasy, malodorous, light-colored, soft stools
-copious stools
-possible vomiting
Which clinical signs align with small bowel infection?
-no hemorrhage or melena
How is giardia diagnosed in dogs?
-direct smear
-antigen test
What control measures can be taken with giardia?
-treat all members of household
-bath animals to remove fecal debris and cysts
-clean feces daily
-disinfect contaminated areas
-eliminated standing water/moist areas
-steam cleaning
-allow time for thorough drying after cleaning
-prevent fecal contamination of feed/water
How do most humans acquire giardia infections?
from other humans
What are the characteristics of Trichomonads?
-DH includes nearly all animals
-trophozoites only
-3 to 5 flagella
-1 nucleus
-1 axostyle
-undulating membrane
Why can Trichomonads not be diagnosed via fecal float?
they do not form a true cyst
What are the characteristics of Tritrichomonas foetus?
-DH is cattle
-causes bovine genital trichomoniasis
-causes veneral disease
What clinical signs are seen with Tritrichomonas foetus?
-no signs in bulls/silent carriers
How is Tritrichomonas foetus diagnosed?
-culture of cervical mucus or uterine fluid for cows
-culture of penis/prepuce wash or scrape in bulls
-PCR following culture to confirm
-assume whole herd is exposed if a bull tests positive
What treatment is available for Tritrichomonas foetus?
no treatment
What control/prevention measures are taken with Tritrichomonas foetus?
-care in vaginal examinations
-keep a closed herd and test new animals
-cull bulls that test positive; vaccinate all cows
-artificial insemination over natural
-sexual rest for 6 mo. will clear infection
-no immunity from infection; can be reinfected
What are the characteristics of Tritrichomonas blagburni?
-DH is cat
-PPP of around 15 days
-intestinal disease
-trophozoites found in cecum, colon, ileum, feces
-causes diarrhea
What is the infective stage of Tritrichomonas blagburni?
What are the clinical signs of Tritrichomonas blagburni?
-chronic diarrhea
-mucus and/or blood in feces
-fecal incontinence/fecal dribbling
-malodorous feces
-lethargy/anorexia/weight loss
Which parasite is Tritrichomonas blagburni often misdiagnosed as?
How is Tritrichomonas blagburni diagnosed?
-direct fecal smear to observe trophozoites
-culture and PCR
What are the characteristics of Tritrichomonas blagburni treatment?
-no approved treatment
-most cats have spontaneous resolution of diarrhea, but can take up to 2 years
-Ronidazole often used as treatment
What are the characteristics of Trichomonas gallinae?
-avian trichomonosis
-bird specific
-pigeons are natural host
-oral and liver lesions
-major disease for wild birds
What are the control measures taken for Trichomonas gallinae?
-keep bird feeders clean and dry: can survive in water baths for at least 24 hrs
-clean feeders and waterers with 10% bleach following outbreak; do not feed for 2 weeks
What are the characteristics of Histomonas meleagridis?
-two forms depending on site of infection
-flagellated form in cecum
-amoeboid form in liver
-undergo binary fission
-disease outbreaks in turkeys
-no approved treatment
How do histomonosis lesions appear?
ceca: inflammation, ulcers, hemorrhage, necrotic cores
liver: multiple areas of necrosis, hemorrhage, fibrosis
What are the characteristics of Histomonas transmission?
-Heterakis gallinarum (cecal nematode) can act as vector; parasite transmitted within eggs
-earthworms and arthropods can serve as transport hosts