Lecture 11 2/16/24 Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of Dirofilaria immitis?
-IH is mosquitoes
-DH is dogs/wild canidae, marine mammals, ferrets, cats
-males 12-22 cm
-females 25-31 cm
-mf 300 x 7 um
-PPP 6 months
What are the characteristics of the Dirofilaria immitis life cycle?
-juvenile worm matures to adult over 3 month period
-microfilaria produced by young adults 6 months post-infection
-lifespan of 5 to 7 years for adults; 2 years for mf
-average infection of 14 worms
What clinical signs are associated with heartworm infection?
-potentially asymptomatic
-exercise intolerance
-weight loss
What causes the clinical signs associated with heartworm?
-pulmonary arterial disease with inflammation and arteritis
-pulmonary thromboemboli
-pulmonary hypertension
-prolonged severe pulmonary hypertension/potential right heart failure
What is the gold standard for heartworm diagnosis?
-Knott’s/filter test
-antigen test
What is important about the timing of heartworm testing?
-earliest possible detection of heartworm antigen is 5 months
-low worm burden and and preventatives can delay antigen detection
What can lead to a dog being AG positive and Knott’s negative?
-5 month old worms
-all female worms
-immunological occult
-prophylaxis induced
-few mf present
What can lead to a dog being Ag negative and mf positive?
-dead adults with mf circulating
-antibody sequestration/antigen-antibody complexes
How can radiographs be used to diagnose heartworm?
-right-sided heart enlargement
-“reverse D shape”
Why is monthly heartworm preventative considered to be retroactive?
the monthly dose kills what has accrued in the animal in the past month
Why does transplacental transmission of heartworm not lead to adult worms in puppies?
the microfilaria must go through the mosquito IH to become an adult
Which drug is used to treat adult heartworms?
melarsomine dihydrochloride
Why is it important to separate out heartworm treatment into multiple doses?
killing fewer worms per treatment reduces the cumulative impact of worm emboli
What should be done during month one of heartworm treatment?
-start monthly heartworm prev.
-prescribe doxycycline to kill Wolbachia
-prescribe pred. to reduce symptoms
-begin exercise restriction
How does Wolbachia contribute to heartworm pathogenesis?
-surface proteins contribute to pulmonary/renal inflammation
-bacteria releases endotoxin