Lecture 8 - forepaw Flashcards
What are the three foot pads?
Distal, metacarpal, and carpal
What main ligaments is the carpal joint supported by?
Short ligaments, medial and lateral collateral ligaments
What do the short ligaments of the dorsal carpus do?
join neighboring bones in each row
distal bone row to metacarpus
What animal has well developed collateral ligaments?
What do the collateral ligaments in the carpus allow in carinvorans?
some adduction and abduction
What are the three major joints in the paw?
Where are elastic dorsal ligaments?
extend from proximal ends of middle phalanges to unguiclar crests of distal phalanges
What does the elastic dorsal ligament do?
Keep claws elevated
How are claws protruded?
contraction of FDP
How is the elastic dorsal ligament different in cats?
Have two parts, medial ones (longer) and lateral ones (shorter)
Where are the medial EDL’s?
proximal interphalangeal joint to side of distal phalanx
Where are lateral EDL’s?
distal end of middle phalanx and top of ungular crest
How many medial EDL’s are there?
How many lateral EDL’s are there?
What do anngular ligaments do?
Maintain the integrity of the palm, and prevent bowing in the synovial sheath
Where do the long tendons of the digital flexors travel?
synovial sheath
Where are the interosseous muscles in the palm?
Lie deep to FDP tendons, cover palmar surfaes of four main metacarpal bones
What is embedded in each tendon of an interosseous muscle?
sesamoid bone at the MCP joint
Two embedded at digits II-V
What nerve innervates the interosseous muscles?
Ulnar n.
What is the action of interosseous?
Flex MCP joint, maintain joint angle when dog bears down on paw
What are the main arteries to the forepaw?
Radial a., Ulnar a., Median a, superficial palmar arch, and deep palmar arch
What are the major nerves to the forepaw?
Median n., radial n., and ulnar n.
What muscles does the radial n. innervate?
What does the radial n. do?
sensory to dorsum of manus
What muscles does the median n. innervate?
muscles moving digit I
What sensory is the median nerve responsible for?
Where does the median n. enter the manus?
through the carpal canal
What muscles does the ulnar n. innervate?
interosseous mm., muscles of digit V, and lumbricals