Lecture 6 & 7: Joints Flashcards
Functional/Physiological classification
Based on range of motion
Synarthrosis (very little, if any movement)
Amphyarthrosis (semi-movable)
Diarthrosis (Freely moveable)
Structural/Anatomical classification
Based on materials that bind bones together and presence of absence of a joint cavity
Solid joints
Either synarthrosis or amphyarthrosis
Depends if it is made from dense connective tissue (fibrous) or cartilage (cartilaginous)
Fibrous joints
Thin fibrous tissue
Ex. Bones of the skull
Connected by membrane or ligament
Ex. Interosseous membrane of ulna/radius
Intervening ligament Peridontal ligament (between roots of teeth and jaw)
Cartilaginous joints
*Elastic cartilage is not found in joints
Hyaline cartilage
Ex. Growth plates of long bones
Ossified before puberty
Fibrocartilage disc
Ex. Public symphysis
Found in the midline
Synovial joints
Presence of cavity between bones
Held by fibrous capsule
Characterized by degrees of freedom
Features of synovial joints
Joint capsule: fibrous structure that surrounds joint and reinforced by ligaments
Joint/articular cavity: space enclosed by joints capsule
Articular cartilage: hyaline cartilage that covers articular surface of bones
Synovial membrane: lines internal joint surface (except articular surface)
Synovial cavity: space enclosed by synovial membrane
Synovial fluid: secreted by synovial membrane in synovial cavity to nourish hyaline and lubricate to facilitate movement
Continuous to periosteum and contains stem cells to repair bone fractures
Nonaxial joint
Articular surfaces are flat so they glide against each other
Ex. Intercarpal joints
Monoaxial joint
Hinge: flexion/extension. Ex. Elbow joint
Pivot: rotational movement. Ex. Proximal radioulnar joint
Ellipsoid/condyloid: flexion/ extension/ abduction/ adduction/ circumduction. Ex. Metacarpophalangeal joint
Saddle: flexion/ extension/ abduction/ adduction/ circumduction. Ex. First carpometacarpal joint
Ball and socket: flexion/ extension/ abduction/ adduction/ medial and lateral rotations/ circumductions. Ex. shoulder joint
Dense connective tissue that joins bones
Extrinsic ligament: separate from joint capsule
Intrinsic ligament: thickened part of joint capsule
Sacs of connective tissue between moving structure (tendon/ligament) and joint capsule to minimize friction
Lined with synovial membrane and filled with synovial fluid
Bursitis: overusing a muscle when tendon rubs against bursae too much, it becomes inflamed
Zygapophyseal/Facet joint
Synovial plane
Between superior and inferior articular processes
Intervertebral disc joint
Symphysis joint
Intervertebral disc has gelatinous nucleus pulposes which acts as a shock absorber
Anulus fibrosus is concentric layers of collagen to hold nucleus pulposes in place
Atlanto-axial joint
Synovial pivot
Between anterior arch of CI and odontoid process of CII
Synovial condyloid
Between lateral mass of CI and occipital condyle
Ligaments of vertebral column
Anterior longitudinal ligament: along anterior surface of vertebral bodies
Posterior longitudinal ligament: along posterior surface of vertebral bodies
Ligamentum flavus: connects laminae of adjacent vertebrae
Interspinous ligament: between spinous process of adjacent vertebrae
Supraspinous ligament: joins tip of spinous process of adjacent vertebrae
Nuchal ligament: proximal extension of supraspinous ligament to neck region; fans out
Costovertebral joint
Synovial plane
Between head of rib and vertebral body of thoracic vertebrae at the same level and above
Between tubercle of rib and costal face on transverse process of thoracic vertebrae at the same level
Sternocostal joint
Synchondroses for first pair of ribs
Synovial plane for the remaining
Between ribs and sternum via costal cartilage
Manubriosternal joint
Between manubrium and body of sternum
Ossified with age
Xiphisternal joint
Between body of sternum and xiphoid process
Ossified with age
Sternoclavicular joint
Synovial saddle
Between sternal end of clavicle and manubrium of sternum
Fibrocartilage articular disc separating articular surfaces
Sacroiliac joint
Synovial plane
Between auricular surface of sacrum and hip bone
Ossified with age
Transfers body weight to lower limb
Ligaments of pelvis
Anterior sacroiliac ligament
Posterior sacroiliac ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament: between sacrum and ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous ligament: between sacrum to ischial spine
Pubic symphysis
Between left and right pubic parts of hip bone
Temporomandibular joint
Synovial condyloid
Between mandibular fossa of temporal bone and condylar of mandible
Has fibrocartilage articular disc
Increases resistance of joint against oppressing forces
Acromioclavicular joint
Synovial plane
Between acromial end of clavicle and acromion of scapula
Glenohumeral/shoulder joint
Synovial ball and socket
Between head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula
Surrounded by fibrocartilage glenoid labrum to increase depth and stability
Has sub deltoid bursa
Ligaments of Upper limb at Shoulder joint
Coracoclavicular ligament: coracoid process of scapula and clavicle
Coracoacromial ligament: acromial process of scapula and coronoid process of scapula
Glenohumeral ligament: glenoid and humerus for anterior support
Elbow Joint
Humero-Ulnar joint: synovial hinge; between trochlea of humerus and trochlear notch of ulna
Humero-radial joint: synovial condyloid; between capitulum of humerus and head of radius
Proximal radio-ulnar joint: synovial pivot; between head of radius and radial notch of ulna
Involved in flexion/extension and rotational
*Humeroulnar and humeroradial are considered the elbow joint
Radioulnar Joint
Proximal radio-ulnar: synovial pivot; between head of radius and radial notch of ulna
Middle radioulanr: syndesmosis; interosseous membrane of ulna and radius
Distal radioulnar: synovial pivot; between head of ulna and ulnar notch of radius; has articular disc to separate from wrist
Involved in supination/pronation of forearm
Ligaments of Elbow
Ulnar/medial collateral ligament
Radius/lateral collateral ligament
Annular ligament: wraps around head of radius against radial notch of ulna
Radiocarpal joint
Synovial ellipsoid
Between distal end of radius and proximal row of carpal bones (except pisiform)
Midcarpal joint
Synovial plane
Between proximal and distal carpal bones
Intercarpal joints
Synovial plane
Between proximal or distal bones
Wrist joint
Radiocarpal and mid carpal joints
Ligaments of wrist
Ulnar/medial collateral ligament
Radial/lateral collateral ligament
Palmar and dorsal ulnocarpal ligament
Palmar and dorsal radiocarpal
Intercarpal ligament: between carpal bones
Carpometacarpal ligament: between carpal and metacarpal bones
Carpometacarpal joint
Synovial saddle: between trapezium and proximal end of 1st metacarpal bone
Synovial plane: between rest of distal carpal bones and proximal end of 4 medial metacarpal bones
Metacarpophalangeal joint
Synovial condyloid
Between distal end of metacarpal bone and proximal end of proximal phalanges
Interphalangeal joint
Synovial hinge
Proximal interphalangeal joint: between proximal and middle phalange
Distal interphalangeal joint: between middle and distal phalange
Hip joint
Synovial ball and socket
Between head of femur and acetabulum of hip bone
Fibrocartilage labrum acetabulum deepens cavity
Ligaments of hip joint
Round/teres ligament of head of femoral head: attaches to head of femur and carries blood to femur; may lead to avascular
necrosis if cut
Iliofemoral ligament: between ilium and femur (anterior)
Pubofemoral ligament: between pubic and femur (anterior)
Ischiofemoral ligament: between ischium and femur (posterior)
Knee joint
Synovial condyloid
Between femoral condyles and superior surface of tibia condyles - medial and lateral tibiofemoral joint
Patellofemoral joint
Synovial plane
Between patellar surface of femur and posterior surface of patella
Ligaments of knee
Incomplete rings of fibrocartilage medial and lateral meniscus are in between femoral condyles and tibia plates - shock absorber and increase depth
Tibial (medial) and fibular (lateral) collateral ligaments provide side to side stability
Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments provide antero-posterior stability
Tibiofibular joint
Proximal (superior) tibiofibular joint: synovial plane; between head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
Middle tibiofibular joint: syndesmosis; interosseous membrane between tibia and fibula
Distal (inferior) tibiofibular joint: syndesmosis; between fibular notch of tibia and distal end of fibula
Ankle (talocrural) joint
Synovial hinge
Between distal end of tibia and fibula and body of talus
Medial (deltoid) ligament
Lateral ligament
Intertarsal joint
Synovial plane
Between tarsal bones
Tarsometatarsal joint
Synovial plane
Between distal tarsal bones and proximal metatarsal bones
Metatarsophalangeal joint
Synovial condyloid
Between distal metatarsal bones and proximal end of proximal phalanges
Incomplete fibrocartilage rings attached to articular surfaces to increase congruency (in knee joint)
Fibrocartilage rings attached to increase depth (in shoulder joint)
Intra-articular disc
Cushions of fibrocartilage to absorb shock and increase congruency