Lecture 4: Upper Limb Skeleton Flashcards
Shoulder girdle
Clavicle and scapula which connects the upper limb to the axial skeleton
Part of the appendicular skeleton
Only horizontal long bone Medial/sternal end (round) Lateral/acromial end (flat) Body in between Medial end is convex anteriorly Lateral end is concave anteriorly
Scapula borders
Scapula angles
Superior angle (level of TII) Inferior angle (level of TVII) Lateral angle (glenoid cavity)
Flat triangular bone over ribs 2-7 on posterolateral thorax 2 surfaces 3 borders 3 angles 2 processes
Anterior view of scapula
Concave surface = sub scapular fossa
Coracoid process: projects anteriorly and laterally (on superior border)
Posterior view of scapula
Divided by bony ridge: spine of scapula
Supraspinous fossa
Infraspinous fossa
Spine of scapula leads to acromion process laterally (flat bony plate)
Glenoid cavity/fossa
Articulates with head of humerus
Supraglenoid and infraglenoid tubercles are superior and inferior to glenoid cavity
Proximal end of humerus
Head: smooth spherical surface to articulate with glenoid cavity
Anatomical neck: groove immediately below head
Greater and lesser tubercles: 2 elevations separated by inter-tubercular groove/bicipital groove (where biceps start)
Surgical neck: immediately below tubercles, narrow, common point of fractures
Body of humerus
Lateral side has deltoid tuberosity (where deltoid starts)
Faint groove behind shaft is radial groove which has radial nerves
Distal end of humerus
Condyle = capitulum (round) and trochlea (pulley shaped)
Lateral and medial epicondyle
Radial fossa superior to capitulum anteriorly
Coronoid fossa superior to trochlea anteriorly
Olecranon fossa superior to trochlea posteriorly
Lateral side of forearm
Proximal end has head, neck, radial tuberosity (attachment of bicep)
Triangular body; prominent medial border is the interosseous border
Distal end has styloid process of radius on lateral side and ulnar notch on medial side
Medial side of forearm
Proximal end has olecranon process (for olecranon fossa) and coronoid process (for coronoid fossa); trochlear notch in between
Lateral to coronoid process is radial notch
Below coronoid process = ulnar tuberosity for attachment of brachialis
Triangular body; prominent lateral border is the interosseous border
Distal end has head on medial side and styloid process of ulna on lateral side
Wrist/carpal bones
Proximal row from lateral to medial: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, pisiform
Distal row from lateral to medial: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
Metacarpal bones
Small long bones
Composed of proximal end (base), body (shaft), distal end (head)
Numbered 1-5 from lateral to medial
3 phalanges - proximal, middle, distal
Thumb has 2 phalanges - proximal, distal