Lecture 5 - Achievement Motivation in sport/exercise Flashcards
What is achievement motivation?
Striving toward a standard of excellence or attempting to reach/achieve a specific goal (e.g personal best in competition). Person will persist in the face of failure, and experience pride in goal accomplishment
Who else knows about your achievement motivation?
Unless you choose to tell someone else no one else is going to know if you have achieved that goal or not
Sport and competition is a social achievement motivation your success or failure whether you achieve that goal or not it public other people are going to be evaluating you (what lectures does ken tell us to connect this too????)
NOTE: Ken said connect this stuff to stress and anxiety lectures
Achievement motivation in sport is popularly called …..
Defining the achievement situation
A measurable performance for which the individual is responsible, which canand will be evaluated in terms of a standard of excellence (by self or others), where there is uncertainty in Outcome (success/failure)
Three aspects to achievement motivation
Motives, goals, goal orientations
Arousal/activation levels
Direction + intensity over-time
Why study achievement motivation
- Individual differences in achievement motivation affect participation and performance in sport/exercise
- Achievement motivation is the basis of competitiveness (e.g influences stress and anxiety)
Achievement motivation and attribution theory Definition-
Attributions are the reasons that individuals give for their success or failure. What people attribute their performance to is the perceived cause of their performance. These attributions affect motivation
These attributions affect motivation
we won because ….. we lost because
* Lucky
* We had better players
* Team work
* Poor communication
* Lack of team work
* They were better
* The ref was against us
Attribution theory :Three categories of attributions
- Stability- fairly permanent or unstable
- Causality- internal pr external factor
- Control- a factor that is or is not under our control
How do attributions affect achievement behaviour?
Influence future ……………… & achievement behaviour ie ……… for an activity
Performance expectancies
Future motivation
How do attributions affect achievement behaviour?
Attributions can influence ………… (e.g anxiety)
How do attributions affect achievement behaviour?
High and low achievers have different ……….. Which account for differences in ………
Attributional patterns
Achievement behaviour
Achievement goal theory
Multidimensional achievement motives
- Achievement Goal orientations
- Usefulness of goal orientations
Achievement Goal Orientations
Goal Orientations=
different personal definitions of success
3 achievement Goal Orientations
- Task Orientation (Process)
- Ego/outcome Orientation (Product)
- Social Approval Orientation (Praise)
Task Orientation (Process)
- Focus on task/skill mastery
- Self focus
Ego/outcome Orientation (Product)
- Focus on social comparison and competition; ego
- Other-focus (because the comparison point is are you better than others)
Social Approval Orientation (Praise)
- Focus on demonstrating effort, gaining approval and praise from, significant others
- Other-focus
Goal orientation in Sport/Exercise
- Multiple Goal Orientations
- Goal orientations are Dynamic (trait and state)
- Each combination of goal orientations represents an individuals definition of SUUCCESS
- We must consider achievement goal orientations in order to understand achievement motivation
Implications for professional practice
* Remember the ……… focus of motivation
* Monitor …………
* Emphasise ……… Goals
* Determine when ……….. Goals are useful
Attribution patterns
Motivation =
Direction (goals) + Intensity (arousal + Anxiety)