Lecture 3- Personality traits Flashcards
A relatively stable disposition to behave a certain way, traits are the fundamental units of how personality and how you generally behave”
traits are learnt through
Dealing with the environment
this is an abstraction used to describe a psychological variable
Personality reflects psychological qualities that contribute to an individuals
enduring and distinctive patterns of feeling, thinking and behaving
despite everyone having individual characteristics, there are aspects of people’s personality which can be the same. The consistency of personality traits is what allows us to predict and expect behaviour in the future. BUT no matter how much we are alike, we have distinct things that make us all different
The more or less stable and ….
enduring organisation of a persons character, temperament, intellect and physique which determines their unique adjustment to the environment”
Each person is like all others,
some others and no others
- Does involvement in sport change an athletes player personality?
- Is there a sporting personality?
argued that certain people with certain traits choose to play sport BUT they do not have a “sporting personality
- Do team sport athletes have different traits to individual sport athletes?
- Are there personality differences between male and female athletes?
yes there may be some gender differences but these are not clear cut. Regardless of your gender, athletes are athletes at the end of the day
- Are there personality differences between athletes competing at different levels?
there are clear physical and technical differences BUT not clear personality differences
- Can a personality difference determine whether a person is likely to be successful in sport or not?
no it cannot because prediction of success using personality is not professional
Psychological Core
internal and consistent personality characteristics
Inner self basic values, beliefs, identity, self esteem….
Typical Responses
– learned methods of dealing with the environment.
Is a valid indicator of the psychological core
Role-related behaviours
behaviours that change in response to different situations and different roles fulfilled. This is NOT a valid indicator of the psychological core because the roles are inconsistent
Social environment
the first three elements of this model of personality are influenced by the social environment of the individual. Whilst this is not a typical part of your personality, this is what determines the expression of your personality.
Trait Approach
B=f (P)
this focusses on the person as an individual as a feedback loop because positive traits are reinforced whereas negative traits are punished. This is how personality adapts.
Situational Approach
B=f (E)
personality is largely based on the situation which the person is in. Largely based on Bandura social learning theory and how others behaviour influences how we behave. This approach says that personality is largely a learning based approach and we model our behaviour off other people.
Interactionist approach
this is an interaction of the two approaches and says that our personality is based on BOTH our situation AND our traits. Important to note that this is not a 50/50 split between the two, it varies.
Measurement of personality
This is measured on the basis of two frameworks;
This is measured (measurement of personality) on the basis of two frameworks;
trait framework and interaction framework
which measurement of personality is the chosen and preferred
The interaction framework is the one which is chosen and preferred. This is because the interactionist framework makes consideration to the environment as well as the person and the effect this has on its behaviour.
- Interactionist framework
B=F (P X E)
1- State and trait measures
2-Situation -specific measures
3-Sport specific measures
4-Using psychological measures
Issues in personality research in sport
what has the research revealed?
- Trait measures of personality have produced inconsistent results
-Trait measures alone have limited value for sport personality researchers
-Studies using an interactionist framework have been more useful
Personality traits alone are not a valid method of research because these are inconsistent and unreliable. Furthermore, measures of the traits alone are not hugely valid for sport. Therefore, this is why the interactionist model for personality research has been the best because it considers
BOTH trait and state as well as the interaction between the person and the environment
When measuring SCAT (Sport Competition Anxiety Test)
this indicates the level of competition anxiety that an athlete experiences with time.