Lecture 11- Physical activity & depression Flashcards
A transient mood state or a clinical disorder
Key signs of depression
-Constantly feeling down or hopeless
-Having little interest or pleasure in doing things you used to enjoy
Treatment options for depression
-Physical activity??
Depression, anxiety and mental distress measured by age group in 2018
20% of the population that are suffering from depression In the community and this is not including people that have smaller levels of depression so its going to under represent how much depression is actually prevalent
Measurement in physical activity & mental health: Psychological constructs
-Self report scales (e.g Beck Depression Inventory)- Assess the severity of the symptoms of depression on a scale
We also have to know that these scales are reliable
- We have to make sure our scale is valid to depression rather than something like anxiety
Cant just develop our own there is processes that they go through to make sure the scales are valid
There is also clinical diagnosis using DSM IV criteria for severe
Measurement in physical activity & mental health: Phsical activity
-Objective measures -e.g accelerometer, step counts, fitness change
-Self report questionnaires -How many minutes have you spent undertaking moderate intensity PA in the past 7 days? (not as good as they have bias)
Importance of research methods to conclusions: Correlational research
Shows association between 2 variables measured at the same time (People report how physical active they are and they then also report how many symptoms of depression or how serious)
- They take two measurements at the same time
- They see if they correlate
Importance of research methods to conclusions: Applied to depression & PA relationship
-Prevalence of low PA is significantly higher in those with depression v no depression
-But chicken and egg scenario
They concluded that they said that people with low physical activity have higher depression and vs versa people that have lower levels of depression have higher levels of physical activity
Mental ill health -> Inactivity
Inactivity->mental ill health
Cohurt study on physical activity
1 hour of exercise/week of any intensity protective against future incidence of depression
Components of Physical activity
Randomised controlled trails
Gold standard
How does a randomised control trial set up
Eligible participants - randomly allocated
Exercise intervention & Control group
Another treatment
Compare change in depression across time between groups
Randomised controlled trail evidence depression
PA interventions are effective in improving symptoms of depression
Randomised controlled trail evidence depression (frequency)
-Exercising 3-5 times per week is advised
-Most effective interventions are <-12 weeks
Randomised controlled trail evidence depression (time)
-Sessions >60minutes similar outcomes to those 30-60 minutes
Randomised controlled trail evidence depression (intensity)
-Moderate intensity recommended; but studies have also shown benefits of light/vigorous
Randomised controlled trail evidence depression (type)
Very strong evidence for aerobic forms of PA, other modes (yoga, muscle strengthening) also beneficial
Combining aerobic and muscle strengthening may be optimal
All of these factors (mode, intensity, frequency, time) interact with eachother in complex ways that we do not fully understand. We should also take into account
Personal experiences, preferences and motivations
How does PA compare to other treatments
3-Exercise and medication
4-Control group (placebo)
Medication works faster but …
Exercise group less likely to relapse (when exercise continued)