Lecture 35 RH Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the pharynx?
From the base of the skull to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage (C6)
What is the function of the pharynx?
Closes off the posterior aspect of the larynx, mouth, and nose.
What structures close off the pharyngeal sling?
Sling is supported by a series of muscles and the pharyngobasilar fascia
Where does the pharyngobasilar fascia perform its function?
continues all the way down the pharynx and forms a membrane around the pharynx.
How can the pharyngobasilar fascia be seen?
Superiorly the muscles are deficient and at that location the pharyngobasilar can be seen
What are the external muscles of the pharynx?
Superior constrictor
Middle constrictor
Inferior constrictor
Where is the middle constrictor found?
largely along the surface of the hyoid bone meets at a median raphe posteriorly
Why is cricopharyngeus often referred to as inferior part of the inferior constrictor?
Cricopharyngeus is often referred to as the inferior part of the inferior constrictor. It has a slightly different nerve supply (branches of vagus below compared to inferior constrictor which gets them from above.)
What is the function of constrictor muscles in moving food from the mouth to the oesophagus?
constrictor muscles contract sequentially to push food towards the oesophagus.
What are the internal muscles of the pharynx?
What is the function of salpingopharynx?
attaches from the auditory tube to the muscular wall of the pharynx
What do the internal muscles of the pharynx do?
They elevate the pharynx and have other functions when the pharynx is fixed.
Which muscle of the pharynx is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN9)?
Where does the auditory tube open?
Into the nasopharynx
What tonsils can be found in the pharynx?
Pharyngeal tonsils
What forms the tubal elevation of the nasopharynx?
tubal elevation is formed by cartilaginous part of the auditory tube
What does the salpingopharyngeus do to the auditory tube?
Salpingopharyngeus has an attachment to the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube. Contraction of this muscle opens up the auditory tube a bit more for the middle ear.
What are the boundaries of the oropharynx?
roof is formed by the soft palate and the floor by the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue.
Why is the posterior end of the tongue nodular?
Posterior end of the tongue mucosa is very nodular due to the lingual tonsils.
How does food get mvoed into the oesophagus by the epiglottis?
As food comes down into the oral cavity it pushes down on the epiglottis and epiglottis pushes it down into the posterior tube (oesophagus).
What are the arches of the oropharynx?
2 arches palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arch. Between these arches are the palatine tonsils.
What muscles does mucosa go over to create the arches?
palatoglossal muscle is one of the muscles of the tongue (innervated by vagus)
How is the larynx closed from behind?
pharyngeal mucosa and contrictor muscles close the larynx from behind