Lecture 31 RH Flashcards
Where are the boundaries of the larynx?
Upper boundary: Epiglottis
Lower boundary: C6 / Lower border of cricoid cartilage
Above the trachea.
What structures form the laryngeal skeleton?
Hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
What covers the space between thyroid and cricoid cartilage?
Some membranes close off the space between cricoid and thyroid cartilage
What are the structures of the thyroid cartilage
Superior horns and inferior horns from an anterior view)
Lamina can be seen laterally.
Posteriorly it is deficient and so it doesn’t form a ring.
What does the cricoid cartilage look like?
Cricoid cartilage is the lowest cartilage of the larynx. It is a complete ring. Contains a short anterior arch and a long posterior lamina.
Posterolateral aspect of the cricoid cartilage is the arytenoid cartilage. These are pyramidal in shape with apex on top. Cuniform and cunicunate cartilage sit inside these cartilage flaps.
What is the vocal process and what does it do?
Vocal process projects into the space of the larynx and connects to vocal ligaments.
What is the function of the muscular process of the cricoid cartilage?
Muscular process is located posteriorly and forms a platform for muscular attachment. This muscular process attaches to muscles which swing the vocal process closer or further away from each other to allow phonation to occur.
What are the types of movements that the arytenoid cartilage can perform?
They swivel around their axis to come together.
They also slide closer to each other with the control of other muscles.
What are the membranes found between the cartilages and the hyoid bone?
Thyrohyoid membrane between thyroid gland and the hyoid bone.
Cricothyroid membrane between cricoid and thyroid cartilages.
How are the thyroid and the cricoid cartilage connected?
inferior horn articulates with the cricoid cartilage and membrane between the thyroid and the cricoid connects them anteriorly.
Where is the epiglottic cartilage attached to the thyroid cartilage?
epiglottic cartilage has an attachment anterior of the thyroid carilage
How do vocal ligaments make sound?
Vocal ligaments produce sound by being moved together and pushing sound through.
What is the membrane above the vocal ligament called?
Membrane above the vocal ligament is called the quadrangular membrane.
Where does the quadrangular membrane attach?
from the rest of the arytenoid cartilage all the way up to the lateral surface of the epiglottic cartilage.
What are the parts of the quadrangular membrane?
Inferiorly: Free edge is known as the vestibular ligament
Superiorly: Thickened and is called the aryepiglottic ligament.