Lecture 33-34 Flashcards
Where are the primary flight feathers attached to?
the manus
Where are the secondary flight feather attached to?
the anti-brachium
What is the name of the lightening of bone that occurs within avian species?
What is the name of the interlocking rib structure that is present within avian species?
uncinate processes
What is the name of the bony structure that is present within the eye of most avian species?
scleral ossicles
Define the term “synsacrum” within avian species:
Refers to the fusion of the last thoracic, lumbar, sacral & anterior caudal vertebrae
What components form the tripod support for the wing?
Rod like scapula, coracoid & furcula (fused clavicles)
What is the name of the massive keeled sternum?
What is the function of the supracoracoideus muscle?
Modified pectoral muscle that allows for rapid and fast abduction of the humerus
What is a unique feature of the oropharynx present within the birds?
Birds have an incomplete palate
Define the term crop:
The crop refers to a diverticulum of the oesophagus. It is subcutaneous and palpable within most species. It stores and softens food in preparation for digestion.
Define the term pro-ventriculus:
The equivalent of the true glandular stomach that is present within birds. It has a characteristically very low pH.
Define the term ventriculus (gizzard):
Refers the grinding muscular portion of the stomach. Usually contains grit the function of it is to grind the food.
Where is the pancreas located in avian species?
The pancreas is located in-between the looped duodenum
Define the term cloaca, and what is the name for the external opening of avian:
The cloaca refers to the common urogenital/faecal chamber that is partially divided by annular folds. The external opening of the structure is referred to as the vent.
What is the name of the structure that surrounds the nares within avian species?
What are parabronchi?
Form parallel looped arcades through the lung connecting secondary bronchi. Para-bronchi feed tiny air capillaries intertwined with blood capillaries
Define the term synrinx:
Syrinx is a tracheal bifurcation produces voice by vibration of tympani-form membranes.
What is the function of the air sacs and what type of epithelium lines them?
The air-sacs are lined with simple squamous epithelium. No gas exchange occurs in these structures but they may contribute to cooling.
Describe the blood supply of the kidneys:
- Three renal arteries are present (cranial, middle, caudal)
- Multiple renal veins (to iliac vein)