Lecture 22 Flashcards
What is the name of the membrane that lines the peritonial cavity and what is the function of it?
Membrane that lines the abdominal cavity (consists of visceral and parietal peritonium) and contains a fluid space within it.
What is the Mesentry and what is the function of it?
The mesentary refers to the fold of peritonium that attaches organs to the abdominal wall. Most of the attachments are occurring dorsally but some of the attachments are occurring ventrally as well
What is the function of the omentum?
Fold of peritonium connecting stomach to the other organs
Where is the greater omentum located (ie attachements and the organs contained within it)?
The greater omentum attaches the greater curvature and contains the spleen
Where is the lesser omentum located?
Arises from the ventral mesentary and hangs of the lesser curvature of the stomach containing the liver
Describe the layers of tissue located within the simple stomach:
Serosa to muscularis to submucosa to mucosa (very thick folds)
Compare the structure of the wall of the eosphagus to the wall of the stomach:
eosophagus is skeletal with keratinised epithelium, stomach is smooth with glandular epithelium
Briefly describe the anatomy of the stomach:
The stomach is divided into four basic parts. The cardia is a muscular sphincter. The fundus is a blind ended expansion. The body is large and wide in its shape. The pylorus is strong muscular sphincter, able to break down food into small enough particles that can go through to the next stage of the digestive system.
Name the following components of the muscular wall of the stomach:

- serosa
- muscularis
- sub-mucosa
- muscosa
Describe the layout of the cells within the stomach mucosa, naming the cells and also their secretions:
Mucosa cells are on top, whereas chief and parietal cells lie in the gastric pits of the gastric region. Mucosa cells obviosuly secrete mucous whereas the parietal cells secrete gastic acid the activates the cheif cell secreted pepsinogen into pepsin.
Briefly describe the difference in secretions between different parts of the stomach:
The proper gastric fundic region secretes acid and pesinogen. Whereas the cardiac region by comparison secretes no digestive enzymes at all, only mucous and the size of it varies greatly between different species.
Briefly compare the stomachs of the dog, horse and pig:
Dog- mostly glandular with non-glandular regions around the cardia and the pylorus
Horse- the transition from oesphageal to cardia occurs in the stomach
Pig- mostly non-glandular cardiac region (nobody knows why)
Briefly describe the anatomy of the horse stomach:
Very tight J shape with a very small lesser curvature and a greatly expanded area of oesphageal mucosa, however a very small cardiac region.
What is the name of the edge of the oesphageal mucosa in the horse?
Edge of the oesphageal mucosa is referred to as the margo plicatus.
What is the name of the significant expansion of the pig stomach muscularis at the pyloris and what is the function of it?
The expansion is referred to as the torus and the principle function of it is to crush food into smaller pieces so it is able to travel through the intestines.
Name the following structures and briefly describe the function of them:

1) Osphageal typee mucosa extends into the stomach
2a) Cardiac mucosa, large proportion of the stomach
2b) Fundic region, gastric glands small proportion of the stomach
2c) Pyloric region