Lecture 3 Flashcards
Ectoderm in the dorsal midline induced by the notochord to thicken and forms the __________
neural plate
Edges of the neural plate begin to fold toward each other the _______________
neural folds
The neural folds meet dorsally, forming the ____________________________
neural tube and overlaying ectoderm
neural tube closes first near the middle of the embryo and proceeds rostrally and caudally, reflecting the radient of nervous system development. _________________ and ______________ develop first
medulla and spinal
__________________ is a mesodermal structure
Some neural crest cells remain near the neural tube to give rise to sensory afferent neurons that are called __________________________
dorsal root ganglion neurons
______________ is composed of cells that undergo mitosis to form the CNS
neural tube
Central cavity enclosed by neural tube called the ______________ forms the ventricular system
Neural tube cells first generate ___________ than glia
_______________ have processors attached to bother inner (ventricular) and outer surfaces of the neural tube. Their nuclei move back and forth during the cell cycle.
Neural tube cells
_____________ occurs near ventricular border. After neurons become post mitotic, they migrate out of the ventricular Zone
________________ site where mitosis occurs
ventricular zone
_____________ post mototic cells form gray matter
intermediate zone
_________________ axonal pathways form future white matter
marginal zone
_________________ is derived from the neural crest.
dorsal root ganglian
______________ contains sensory projection neuron and interneurons
dorsal neural tube
_________contains motor neurons and interneurons
ventral neural tube
What does the forebrain form
Telecephalon and diencephalon
what does the midbrain form
What does the hindbrain form
What does the telencephalon form
cerebrum and cerebral hemispheres
What does the diencephalon form
: the epithalamus, thalamus, subthalamus, and hypothalamus
What does the mesencephalon form
midbrain and brainstem
What does the mesencephalon
brainstem/ pons
What does the meelencephaalon form
brainstem/ medulla
What are the 3 primary brain vesicles
forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
What are the 5 secondary brain vesicles
telencephalon, diecephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon
Around week 5, the neural tube starts to bend at the _____________________
midbrain, pontine, and cervical flexures
space constraints restrict brain growth causing the _____________________ to grow posteriorly covering the diecephalon and brainstem
cerebral cortex
Initially the cervical cortex is _______________ but is starts to fold inward which results in an increase in total surface area
Developing brain and brain stem ____________________ in stereotypic patterns beginning around 5 weeks and continuing well into the fetal period
___________ the largest region of the Brian that contains the cerebral cortex and several subcortical structures including hippocampus and basal ganglia
________________ a division of the forebrain between telencephalon and midbrain. It consists of thalamus and hypothalamus and epithalamus
____________ midbrain is the portion of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the cerebellum and other hindbrain structures
___________________ the embryonic part of the hindbrain that differentiates into pons and cerebellum
___________________ after brain is the most posterior regions of the embryonic hindbrain from which the medulla oblongata developed
____________ ventricle, gray matter, with white matter surrounding the gray matter and on surface.
spinal cord and brainstem
________________ (cerebrally and cerebral cortices) ventricle, white matter, cortex of gray matter on surface. Also can have deep nuclei (gray matter) or inner gray matter around ventricles
cortical regions
_________________ surround the outside of the CNS and have 3 layers of connective tissue
______________ “tough mother” the thickest, most fibrous meninges.
dura mater
What are the 2 sections of the dura matter
Dural sinuses and flax cerebri
___________________ “spider mother” fills subarachnoid space
arachnoid mater
____________ “tender mother” applied directly to the surface of the brain. The innermost layer of the meninges the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord
Pia matter
What are the 3 functions of the meninges
- Cover and protect the CNS
- Contain the large CNS blood vessels
- Act as veins (carry deoxygenated blood) and drain cerebral spinal fluid CSF
____________ line the inside of the CNS.
_______________ consists of a series of cavities, lateral ventricles with 3 horns, interventricular foramen, third ventricle, cerebral aqueducts, forth ventricles, and central canal of spinal cord. CSF exits the ventricles through the median and lateral apertures
_________________ are lined with ependymal cells and filled with cerebral spinal fluid
CSF is produced by the _______________ in the lateral, third and fourth ventricles, CSF is filtered blood plasma
what is the function of the CSF
differentiated from vascular tissue so they secrete blood into the ventricles
Where does the CSF Flow
CSF flows though the ventricular system and then into subarachnoid space via lateral and median apertures and into superior sagittal sinus via arachnoid villi and granulations
Human cerebral cortex has ________________ Golgi drawing on the right shows difference in cell sizes and shapes by layer in the cerebral cortex
six layers of gray matter
_____________ shaped neurons lay in layers III and V
______________ lady in layers II and IV
pyramidal shaped neurons
__________________ in the cerebral Cortex projected to many targets such as
- spinal cord
- brain stem
- order side of the cortex
efferent neurons in the cerebral cortex
_______________________ cerebral cortex receives many afferent projections: from the other side of the cerebral cortex, from the thalamus, from the basal forebrain nuclei
afferent axon projections to the cerebral cortex
Remember different lobes have ___________
different functions
____________ prefrontal, primary and secondary motor cortex, broncha’s speech area
frontal lobe
_______________ primary and secondary somatosensory area, speech area aclaled wernicke’s area
parietal lobe
__________________ primary and secondary visual processing
occipital lobe
_________________ primary and secondary auditory processing, rest of wernicke’s area
temporal lob
________________ pyramidal cells in motor cortex project axons to somatic motor neurons in spinal cord. Axons of the cortiocospinal neurons cross to the opposite sides of the nervous system i.e left side of the brain, control somatic motor neurons on the right side of the spinal cord
corticospinal tract
___________ representation of body parts called somatotop, representation of parts of the body in corresponding parts of the brain
moto homunculus
____________________ representation of parts of the body in corresponding parts of the brain
_________________ pain, touch, temperature, pressure, vibration, and proprioception in skin and body wall
somatic senses
______________ how our behavior can change this map
sensory homunculus
___________ primary visual cortex around calcimine fissure, secondary visual cortex is an integrative area
visual cortex
Primary visual cortex around ________________
calcimine fissure
Secondary visual cortex is an ______________
integrative area
we have a primary + secondary_______________ on either side of the brain
auditory cortex
_____________ receptive speech area. Helps us understand our speech. Connected to primary and secondary cortexes. Leftside of the brain
wernicke’s area
______________________ expressive speech area, left side of brain, located near prefrontal cortex, helps us pre-plan our speech
Broca’s area
_____________ cortiospinal tract, cell bodies in lamina V, the arrows show the snaps pathway
Projection axons
_________________ axons that cross in the corpus callosum, corticocorrtical projections cell bodies mainly in lamina II
commissural axons
_________________ are directed toward ventral midline of CNS to opposite side of a lobe
commissural axons
___________________ corticocortical projections, cell bodies mainly in lamina III, corpus callosum. The pathway is short from one area to another, but there are also some long association axons
association axons