Lecture 17 Flashcards
Limb Development
Mesodermal Origins –___________________
lateral plate and somites
_____________- determine limb differentiation and anterior and posterior sides
how genes
________________ are cells that determine the identity of limb and neither it continues growing. Deetermines proximal and distal growth
apical ectodermal ridges
________________ cells that determine medial and lateral growth
Zone of Polarizing activity cells (ZPA)
____________ is a type on multiple digits on the thumb side
extra thumb
____________ is a type on multiple digits on the pink side
extra pinky
_____________ is when there is an extra middle (2-4 fin finger
midray polydactyl
______________ was the first upright ancestor of humans
_______________ evolution of different characteristics with a lineage.
mosaic evolution
How back and pelvis changes for upright walking
apes: longer back and pelvis
humans: shorter back and pelvis
How does the head change to adapt for upright walking
held vertical. Foramen magnum relocated
How are the shoulders different in apes
moe powerful and longer limbs
How are the limbs different in humans for walking
longer and more slender femur
How are feet different in humans for walking
have flat surface
Only humans have a _______
Q angle used for walking
Aps have a ________________ and _________
posible toe and more curved digits
humans have ____________
________________ through hip and knee joint and anterior to ankle joint. OCillates where walking
center of mass
Almost ____________________ is need to stand
no force
Humans are born through a ____________
small birth can and thus must have small heads
__________ take a long time for brain to develop. Characteristsic of humans
Implications of a small pelvic hole
painful childbirth
what are examples of sexual dimorphism as a result of childbirth
- pelvis
- vertebrae
_______________ – using anatomy to infer phylogenetic and functional
Comparative Anatomy
homology (phylogenetic relationship) vs. analogy (functional relationship) functional morphology –
how form relates to function
_________________ – how function (and therefore form) is
______________ – combining functional morphology with physics to determine
related to ecology biomechanics
Line of Action – direction of pull of a muscle
Fo – output force – usually something working against gravity Lo – output lever arm – from axis of rotation to Fo
Fi – input force – from the muscle
Li – input lever arm – from axis of rotation to line of action
FoLo = FiLi - equilibrium
Increasing Power –
maximizing out-force
Increasing Speed –
opposite of power