Lecture 11 Flashcards
What are the five functions of muscles
- movement/ locomotion
- vision/hearing
- circulation
- digestion
- thermoregulation
_______________ stays stable during muscle contraction
_________________ location of muscle tissue
_______________ moves during contraction
______________ muscles that do opposing actions
____________________ muscles that work together for an action
_______________ is muscle contraction without shortination and results in no movement
isometric contraction
_________________ muscle contraction that results in change in muscle length and movement
isotonic contraction
________________________ is contraction that results in the shortening of muscle
________________ is contraction that results in the lengthening of the muscle
What are the two types of isotonic contraction
concentric and eccentric
- originate on the axial skeleton and insert on the scapula
- also often causes movement at sternoclavicular joint, in addition to movement of the scapula
scapular muscles
- elevates and depresses scapula
- can retract scapula
- upward roation
- Inervated by cranial nerve 11
- retracts scapula with trapezia
- downward rotation against trapezius
- protracts scapula
- small amount of upward and downward rotation
serrates anterior- boxier muscle
originate on scapulas or axial skeleton and cause movement of humorous joint
glenohumeral muscles
what two muscles extend and abduct the humorous
latissimus dorsi and teres major
___________ abduct and flex the humereous. Some rotation
pectoralis major
_________ major abductor of the arm up to 90*. Some flexion and extension
deltoid is the main abductor
_______________ rotates the scapula and holds the humorous in place against the glenoid fossa
rotator cuff muscles
what are the rotator cuff muscles
teres minor
__________ is the rotator cuff laying under the spine of the scapula
_____________ is the rotator cuff laying above the spine of the scapula
_____________ is the rotator cuff laying Below the spine of the scapula
_________________ is the rotator cuff attaching to the humorous
teres minor
______________ is the 2 headed muscle of the arm
bicep brachial
what is the origin of the bicep brachi
2 places on scapula
- genoid fossa
- corocoid process
what is the function of the bicep brachia
flex and supinate forarm
where does the brachial inter and origin
what does the brachial do
flex arm only
___________ contains the flexors of the forearm and arm
anterios compartment of the arm
__________________ contains flexors of wrist and digits and pronators
anterior compartments of forearm
__________ pronates arm
pronator teres
_______________ flexes/radial deviates the wrist
flexor carpi radialis
_____________ tenses palm of the hand
palmarris longus
_________________ flexes the last digits 2-5
flexor digitorum superficials
___________ flexion and ulnar deviation of the wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris
_________________ flexor fingers
flexor digitorum profundus
_____________ has 3 heads
tricep brachi
what is the origin of the tricep
ulcranon process of the ulna
what is the function of the tricep
extends the elbow and forearm
_________ extensors of the rest and fingers, supinators
superficial group of the carptmeents of the forearm
_________ is the exception and flexes the elbow and semiprotonates the wrist
____________ extends the wrist and radius. Radially deviates the wrist
extensor carpi radialis
______________ ulnar deviates the wrist. extension
carpi ulnaris
________________ extension of forearm
____________ supinates and is synergiate to the bicep brachi