Lecture 15: MST planning Flashcards
What is a case?
Empirical investigation
Specific phenomenon
Multiple sources of evidence
Name 3 ways in which a needs assessment can be carried out.
Performance Profiling
What is a needs assessment?
Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a case
What 3 things need to be taken into account when performing a needs assessment?
Skill level
Performance demands
Situational demands
What four questions need to be answered when analysing the case?
Precipitant factors? (why they sought help)
Define MST.
Cognitive-behavioral techniques
Develop mental skills
Improve performance success and personal well-being
What effect did Sheard and Golby find a MST programme had on swimming performance?
64% saw an improvement in performance times
What is social validation?
Feedback from an intervention
Essential to determine success
What are the barriers facing an SPC when trying to execute an MST?
Not interested
Previous bad experience
Too tired
Doesn’t know how to access an SPC
Doesn’t appreciate athlete-SPC confidentiality
Lack of coach knowledge
Quick fix
Only for problem athletes
‘Too much thinking’
What did Gould et al.’s survey of junior tennis coaches reveal about MST use?
Need better understanding of MST and how to teach it
Need alternative methods to deliver MST
Some coaches have never used MST
What were the solutions to Gould et al.’s tennis coach study?
More coach involvement
More resources
More examples of successful MST’s
What questions need to be asked in the MST planning process?
Where and when?
How does MST differ between each stage of training?
Motor skills
Skills and movement patterns
Psychological techniques
Improve training methods
Further improve abilities and psychological readiness
Refine skills and techniques
Refine tactics and strategies
Maintain general preparation
General population
What were the results of Quinton et al.’s review on needs anlysis in rugby players?
Identified.. As strengths that hadn’t been identified by other needs analysis. This highlighted the importance of needs analysis.
Squad spirit
Self-aware learner