Lecture 15 10/26/23 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of Moraxella bovis?
-causes infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
-can lead to corneal ulceration, edema, and permanent blindness
How is Moraxella bovis diagnosed?
How is Moraxella bovis treated?
-supportive therapy
How is Moraxella bovis controlled?
-control of predisposing factors
-bacterin vaccination
What are the general characteristics of Brucella sp.?
-public health significance
-infection through ingestion, inhalation, direct contact, or venereal transmission
-can survive outside of host for months
-causes abortion and febrile, chronic granulomatous disease
What are the virulence factors/properties of Brucella sp.?
-facultative intracellular
-enhanced growth in repro. organs of sexually mature hosts
What are the characteristics of Brucella abortus?
-geographic disease
-causes abortion, embryonic death, epididymitis, orchitis, and bursitis
-young animals resistant
-infected adults remain infected for life
-cellular immunity protects against disease but does not clear infection
What are the characteristics of Brucella abortus treatment and control?
-treatment not practical
-live strain vaccine available
-federal test-and-slaughter program in place
What are the characteristics of Brucella abortus in horses?
-poll evil-septic arthritis of atlantoccipital jnt
-fistulous whithers/supraspinous bursitis
What does Brucella suis cause in feral swine and hunting dogs?
severe orchitis
What are the characteristics of Brucella canis?
-transmitted during breeding
-can remain bacteremic for years
-testicular swelling and epididymitis
-infertility and abnormal sperm count
-late term abortions
-uveitis and diskospondylitis
How is Brucella canis diagnosed?
-blood culture (gold standard)
-serology tests
What are the characteristics of Brucella canis treatment and control?
-several weeks of antibiotic therapy
-spay/neuter can reduce transmission
-prostate and testicle chronically infected
-test and eliminate is only proven control
What disease is caused by Brucella sp. in humans?
undulant fever/Bang’s disease
Which Brucella species is NOT known to cause disease in humans?
Brucella ovis
What are the characteristics of Francisella tularensis?
-causes tularemia
-facultative intracellular
-transmitted through ingestion, inhalation, insect bites, contact, and lab exposure
-biowarfare agent
Why are cats involved in tularemia transmission?
-become infected when hunting and eating prey
-can transmit infection to humans
How is F. tularensis diagnosed?
-culture (special requirements)
How is F. tularensis treated?
How is F. tularensis controlled?
-vector control
-live vx for at risk individuals
Which Francisella sp. are pathogens in fish?
-F. noatunensis
-F. orientalis
What are the characteristics of Bartonella henselae?
-causes cat scratch disease
-vector transmitted
-infects cats and causes bacteremia
-diagnosed through PCR of blood
-treatment is ineffective
-controlled through hygiene, vector control, and education efforts
What are the characteristics of Taylorella equigenitalis?
-causes contagious equine metritis
-sexually transmitted
-temporary infertility in mares
-males do not get disease but are long term carriers
How is T. equigenitalis diagnosed?
How is T. equigenitalis treated?
topical antimicrobials and antiseptics
How is T. equigenitalis controlled?
-negative culture on imported animals
-testing of breeding stallions
What are the characteristics of Pseudomonas?
-produce cell surface and extracellular products
-resistant to many disinfectants
-can grow in cleaning/antiseptic solutions
-widespread antimicrobial resistance
What are the characteristics of Burkholderia mallei?
-causes glanders in horses
-BSL 3 agent
-foreign disease
What are the characteristics of B. mallei diagnosis?
-mallein test
-injected by eye drop; eye swelling is pos. indicator
What are the characteristics of B. mallei treatment and control?
-no vx or treatment
-animals must be isolated and euthanized
What are the characteristics of Burkholderia pseudomallei?
-facultative intracellular
-causes melioidosis
-acquired from polluted environmental sources
-emerging in marine mammals
What are the characteristics of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale?
-causes ornithobacteriosis
-seen in chicken flocks