LEC59: Larynx & Pharynx Flashcards
when is head the “skull”? the “cranium”?
skull: with mandible
cranium: without mandible
does hyloid directly articulate w/ any other bones?
spinal level of larynx?
muscles extending from hyloid bone?
post and anteiror bellies of digastric m
stylohyoid m
mylohyoid m
geneohyoid m
where do you do a crycothyrotomoy?
between thyroid cartilage & cricoid cartilage
branches of internal carotid in the neck?
it comes from common carotid
big terminal branches of external carotid in neck?
maxillary & superficial temporal aa
external carotid a branches?
superior thyroid a
ascending pharyngeal a
lingual a
facial a
occipital a
posteiror auricular a
superficial temporal a
maxillary a
*some anatomists like fing, other prefer S&M*
superior thyroid is a branch of what?
& what does it anastomose with?
branch of external carotid a
anastomoses with inferior thyroid a from thyrocervical trunk
important facial veins
external jugular v
internal jugular v
facial v
opthalmic vv
why is popping a zit on the side of your nose dangerous?
important venous drainage system is there
blood from there > facial vein > jugulars or > opthalmic vv > cavernous sinus
muscles of the pharynx
1) superior pharyngeal constrictor
2) middle pharyngeal constrictor
3) inferior pharyngeal constrictor
4) sylopharyngeus
5) salpingopharyngeus
6) palatopharyngeus
1-3 are paired; constrict
4-6 are paired; longitudinal; elevate the constrictors when we swallow
constrictor muscles of the pharynx
superior pharyngeal constrictor
middle pharyngeal constrictor
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
which pharyngeal muscles elevate the constrictors
what is true about muscles connecting to styloid bone?
all come from different branchial arches
parts of inferior constrictor m
when is crycopharyngeus m constricted?
always EXCEPT when swallow
pharynx is divided into 3 parts
naso pharynx
oro pharynx
laryngo pharynx
what’s between middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
where superior laryngeal nerve, artery, vein enter
where is ear - throat connection? why important
nasopharynx - middle ear cnxn =
pharyngotympanic tube
(at level of inferior nasal concha)
portal for infection to spread > middle ear
how do constrictors align posteirorly?
meet at cuscible mtg pt in the middle, a raphe
what/where are piriform sinuses
on either side of laryngeal orifice
common place for food to become trapped
layers of pharyngeal wall
from outside to inside:
1) buccopharyngeal fascia
2) muscle layer
3) pharyngobasilar fascia (fibrous layer)
4) submucosa
5) mucous membrane
innervation of pharynx
pharyngeal plexus (IX, X, XI) + autonomics
what is larynx derived from?
4th-6th brachial arches
how many/what are cartilages of the larynx?
unpaired: thyroid, cricoid, epiglottis
paired: arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform