LEC3 Flashcards
A scientist confirms their resource by proving their hypothesis, true or false?
False! No amount of testing can “prove” a hypothesis, we can only confirm it. When we figure out something, we are not sure if we are spot on.
How does a hypothesis gains support?
By surviving various tests. This testing falsifies other alternative hypothesis.
Experiments must be designed to test control groups and experimental groups, why?
You must have something to compare your experimental design to.
Is evolution a hypothesis?
No, because it is a theory.
What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?
A scientific theory is supported by a large body of evidence. It is much broader than a hypothesis, and generates new hypothesis.
When can you call something a theory?
When a hypothesis is always confirm over and over again.
Why don’t we call a theory a fact, or a law?
Because in science we know that we have biases. We’re always going to be imperfect humans, in our way of grasping objective reality.
Why must you submit your experiment for peer review?
So that experts can point out flaws in the experiment and suggest doing it in another way. If they accept it, it will be publish for others to test out for accuracy.
Has the Theory of Evolution been falsified?
No! It has been confirmed and expaneded by many experiments over a hundred years.
What is the difference between information revealed by religious leaders, and scientists?
Knowledge gained from science focus on the accuracy of the natural universe. It can be added to, and modified as new information arises. The world is changing fast?
Does science disprove religion?
No! There are lots of scientists that have religious faith. Even the pope acknowledged there is no contradiction for religous people to accept that evolution is operating all around and on us.
In science you must be vigilant in recognizing your what?
・Always aim for objectivity
・Always open to new possibilities
What is another theory that has been confirmed, expanded and never contradicted?
The Cell Theory! It has been around for over 300 years. It states that cells are the unit that built structures of all living things.
What is the best characteristic that best distinguishes living things?
The ability to reproduce.
Reproducing start by cell division in a cycle. What is this cycle called, and how does it work?
The Cell Cycle. The cell go through the process of copying it’s genetic materials, and divid into two cells that are identical to the original. It is one of Biology’s major themes.
Unicellular(single cell) organisms reproduce by division. What will become of the new cells?
Each new cell will be an individual organism, becoming two identical daughter cell. They can divide almost instantly.
Multicellular organisms use cell division for what?
Development, Growth, and Repair. This process is always happening in our body.
What can cell division do for multicellular organisms such as plants, by cutting and replanting?
Produce their offsprings.
What does cell genetically produces during Cell Division?
Identical daughter cells. Each parent cell duplicates its genetic material before it divides, so each daughter cells has an exact copy of the parent’s DNA.
What does the DNA in each cell contains?
The complete genome for an entire organism. This means that each cell has all the information to make an entirely new you.
How many base pairs are in one DNA strand that make up a human?
About 6 billion.
How many cells make up a human body?
Roughly 200 trillion.
What is the total length of a human’s DNA?
About 400 billion kilometers. That’s about 1000 trips to the sun and back.
DNA molecules that are packaged into structures are called?
What are the typical body cells called, that have 2 sets of chromosomes? How many pairs of chromosomes does it have inside humans?
Somatic cells! There are 23 pairs, totaling up to 46 chromosomes. They make up almost the entire human body.
What are the sex cells called that has one set of chromosomes? How many chromosomes does it have inside humans?
Gametes! Human gametes have 23 total.
Ex: Sperm and egg.
Before cell division, the DNA in each chromosomes uncoils and gets replicated in a cell. What is this process called?
Once the DNA been replicated, what happens to it?
The DNA coils back up into chromosomes, it separate and form two identical daughter cells.
Once a DNA/chromosome replicates in a cell, it creates two identical halves called?
Sister chromotids! They are different from chromosomes. They will seperate into two chromosomes, and will be distributed into two daughter cells.
What are two major phrases in eukaryotic organisms like humans that the cell cycle has?
1) Interphase - cells spend 90% of their time growing, taking in energy, and replicating their DNA.
2) Cell division: Mitosis - when cells are ready, they divide into two daughter cells. The daughter cells then repeats the cycle.
How many times can a cell repeat the cell cycle before they die?
About 50 times.
How often does a typical human cell divide?
They might divide once every 24 hours depending on what body parts the cells come from.
Ex: Cells in you skin and blood do it more often.
The final end of the division process is called?
Cytokinesis, or cleavage. It forms a furrow in the cell membrane, where it will divide.
How can you tell if DNA synthesis has occured in a cell?
When every chromosomes are duplicated and each has two identical sister chromatids.
What kind off cells don’t respond normally to the body’s control mechanisms and form tumors, while dividing indefinately to regular cells?
Cancer cells!
A common cancer is breast cancer. It start with one cells that divides over and over, forming a tumor that can what?
Metastasize! In other words, export cancer cells to other parts of the body where they may form secondary tumors.
What explains how sex cells are produced in the gonalds?